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  1. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    Hear me out greenmobster440, for newbie such as myself. In your opinion what would be an ideal set-up for a starter HYDRO grow room. Not that I'm trying to evade any of the process. I'm just thinking that since I have you guys @ my disposal( not take lightly of friendship I receive ) I'll build...
  2. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    I'll like add this, I really appreciate you taking the time entertaining my question. So, I'm forever grateful for any advice you have to offer. Thank Bro
  3. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    My plan is to set up a beginner's grow environment to hone my skill level to be a successful veteran grower like so many y'all have became. I look at it this way. My intention is develop the HYDRO side of thing. So, I figure since I have this access of knowledge I thought that I will build the...
  4. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    Good morning WeedHopper, I have a question about incorporating CO2 to my grow room as a new indoor grower. What's your opinion on this for a newbie?
  5. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    I want to apologize for the misprint that's GREENMOBSTER440
  6. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    Good morning greenmonster440, this is the kind feed back I'm looking for. Like I said I am new to the game of indoor growing and having you guys to steer a newbie like me in the right direction is a plus. This why I feel like I'm amongst friends. Thanks for the advice Bro.
  7. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    Good morning Hippie420, Yes it was something I read about recently of automating the release of nutrient to the root system. And I was just wondering if this was feasible for a small grow room. But, if anyone has any suggestion I'll be please to hear them. Thanks
  8. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    Good morning Thomas81, It's good to know you have friends in HIGH places!!!
  9. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    Hey guys I have ? Has anybody ever use or familiar with an Automated Dosing System. Also, is that feasible ?
  10. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    Thanks WeedHopper for the welcoming. Also, I would like to take this time to say that it's a pleasure to be received by friends.
  11. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    Looking forward to having a BUDDING good time
  12. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    I would like to thank you personally MJ for the invite.
  13. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    Thank a lot, that means a big deal to me. Greatly appreciated.
  14. weedmanike1

    Hello from the Bayou

    It's pleasure to have you guys let me in this prestigious group. I have viewed couple of posts, man the host of knowledge available is incredible. so,once again thank you guys for allowing me side-in. First time indoor grower need much help!!!!