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  1. M

    yellowing leaves and little blots

    here are some pics, but you don't see the yellow leaves and spots. I'll continue giving them a quarter of recommended dose. i don't know if the yellow leaves need more or less fertilizer.
  2. M

    yellowing leaves and little blots

    My plants have yellowing leaves from the bottom to a little bit to the middle, and some blots prob' nute burn at leaves more at the top. I just can't seem to find the right dosage for my fertilizer or something, when i gave my plants the recommended dosage several leaves curled and dried up.Now...
  3. M

    My second grow 3 weeks flowering

    Thank you everyone for the compliments, i too like them very much:). How i made them grow like that? Well eh.. i let them dry out waaay to long( i was on vacation at the beach) and when i came back to give em some water they were halfway dieing already. Lots of leaves fell off, that's why there...
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    My second grow 3 weeks flowering

    Hello, Does it change something if i harvest when the plant's soil is dry or when i just watered them?
  5. M

    My first grow - voodoo strain

  6. M

    My first grow - voodoo strain

    Well it's going well i am now day 35 of flowering:woohoo: . Now i saw that for my strain (Voodoo) it's 45 to 50 days for flowering. My plant started to show sex only 2 weeks after i changed the lights to 12/12. Do i count the 45 days from day one 12/12 or from when she started to show sex? thank...
  7. M

    My first grow - voodoo strain

    I did what you said bombbudpuffa and it worked. Now two out of three were males so i cut them, i tried to make ice hash with them but i only got plant matter and green water:holysheep: . oh well, my last one is i'm pretty sure a female( it should be my girlfriend planted her). last pics:
  8. M

    My first grow - voodoo strain

    hello, I have started my first grow a month and a bit ago, had a little trouble here and there. Leaves changing color and such but overall it's ok i think. My setup's three pots with soil from brico and engrais rose fertilizer, 23w fluorescent bulb on each plant. Feel free to send in any...