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  1. Fretless

    UnquaWalt Says New York is Now Legal Reactional Weed WOOOWhoooo........................

    We can celebrate the inevitable change in legislation , and our increase in Liberty that results from it, while never forgiving that mafioso scumbag Governor for killing our elders despite being warned that it would happen.
  2. Fretless

    Still Crazy

    Hello, MP I started on this forum a long time ago, I think it was 2008 or 2009. I had different screen names, and as recently as 2 years ago, asked to have my old screen name changed out of paranoia, the need for which is now obsolete where I live, and almost completely so. My , how times...
  3. Fretless

    US House To Consider Decriminalization!!!!!!

    No one is betting the farm on anything. Your "realism", MD, comes off as defeatism. You've given up this particular fight. Maybe there's something to gain from your perspective from the status quo, after all, what would your art be without the resistance?
  4. Fretless

    nooooooooooooooo not an IT!!!

    Just take an exacto and cut out the boy parts, no need to kill the whole plant IMO.
  5. Fretless

    Is their a band you miss?

    Grateful Dead And George Clinton & the P-funk - though they still tour, I haven't caught a show in years.
  6. Fretless

    Cool tube Glass?

    There's hurricane glass large enough for a 600watt bulb at Michael's Crafts, and probably any similar arts and crafts store.
  7. Fretless

    Plants drooping and I'm sure its my fault

    If the only factor that has changed is the HPS light, I suspect the light. Back off the HPS light ASAP, and give the plants several days to adjust to it, moving them closer gradually, so they can get their HPS legs.
  8. Fretless

    Government's bong ban 'will harm cannabis smokers'

    Since this news is out of Australia, I want to point out to those who don't know that a term for smoking cannabis in Australia is choofin', making that today's fun word. And a personal thanks to Monkey in WA for informing me of this ~
  9. Fretless

    Out with the pot propaganda, and in with the truth

    MJ is what initially got me out of the manic-depressive cycle, no doubt about it. It is an effective treatment, but not a cure. The #1 problem with MJ is the tar in the smoke. It's dirty, sticky stuff we inhale. Unless we vaporize.
  10. Fretless

    Plant Near death? Pics; need help!

    Was the reservoir tub holding water? That mercury is not good but I still think it lookd just overwatered.
  11. Fretless

    upgraded my bubbler pics.

    12 hours later, most of the cuttings have perked up normally, and that's without a dome. Some are still drooped though. 18 hours later, 90% are looking as perky as they did on the main stem! This bubbler rocks! Only problem now is, I got a little zealous and took too many cuttings from the...
  12. Fretless

    upgraded my bubbler pics.

    Well I took 11 cuttings from 4 plants tonight, put them in a bubbler pretty much identical to the one in the DIY thread. First time cloning! I haven't even sexed the plants yet, but these plants are around 9 weeks and full of branches. Things got a little iffy with the part about scarring the...
  13. Fretless

    upgraded my bubbler pics.

    I'm about to try one out myself. Same container as pictured in the DIY cloner bubbler-style thread, same color. Was hard waiting for that sealant that holds down the airstones to dry/cure. I'm using an air pump rated for a 60 gallon aquarium, and 2x8" airstones. Same width tubing. I...
  14. Fretless

    A DIY cooltube

    I think I'm' going to scrap the reg duct tape though. Make it all metal tape. Should last better.
  15. Fretless

    Brita Carbon filter

    I use one for my water. For air, I don't think it would work, how would the air pass through? There are lots of DIY options for odor control though, most of which you can find here.
  16. Fretless

    wall mart sues disabled woman for her nursing home money....

    Yeah, didn't anyone read the article first? But Wal-Mart still, ummm, inhales anal exhaust from donkeys.
  17. Fretless

    Cannabis 'to remain Class C drug'

    A persistent myth, that gateway hogwash.
  18. Fretless


    I had the same problem with a small starter pot. Super dry on top but roots at the bottom were staying wet and the seedlings all turned into little paragliders. The roots will continue to grow in this state I found. If I were you I'd just pop it into a 3-4" planter with some gravel at...
  19. Fretless

    To the owners of this board, read....

    That's Commodore 64. As in 64 kilobytes of RAM. Ahh, good times. :)