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  1. phuch

    That was wierd

    this will screw up the whole world economy i think. How much does gas cost in your town?
  2. phuch

    trippy music

    How about the string cheese incident or widespread panic?
  3. phuch

    trippy music

    Can you belive no one has mentioned the good ole grateful dead? "From day to day just letting it ride you get so far away from how it feels inside. You can't let go 'cause you're afraid to fall till the day may come when you can't feel at all." GD
  4. phuch

    Dead Potheads

    That was the point. But you are awfully grumpy for a pothead.
  5. phuch

    Dead Potheads

    Lets make a list of people we know of that have died of THC overdose.
  6. phuch it adds up

    no doubt in the case of asskissin'
  7. phuch

    Heartwarming Christmas Story

    Just don't try that with cid
  8. phuch

    Drug tested

    No, I meant the thing about the Jew in the 40's bro. I don't know that any one broke into your house, raped your daughter and then gave your wife a flame thrower shower. That is a harsh analogy.
  9. phuch

    merry christmas

    Happy New Year, and many more to come!
  10. phuch

    trippy music

    70 volt parade
  11. phuch

    Drug tested

    Your analogy is a bit harsh dude
  12. phuch

    A week of R&R

    Very Nice man. Where is that?
  13. phuch

    European Union

    there is strength in numbers
  14. phuch

    Special Moments

    1st dead show. Buffalo rich stadium
  15. phuch

    A Weed-Based Economy Pt. II

    ok then... ya dont say?
  16. phuch

    al-quea Recruiting Efforts

    Damn, was that yesterday?
  17. phuch

    The Mystery Of The Creaking Door

    was it a vegoose?
  18. phuch

    The Cops Want to Know...

    how often do you smoke the herb? (reafer for you beatniks on nugs for you kidz)...
  19. phuch


    listen to the mike gordon tune clone it has all the answers
  20. phuch

    Can amotivational syndrome be cured ?

    well im not sure if it can be....but maybe iw will think about it later and get back to you...but i do have this good idea about curing diabetes with ummmmmm what was that again... anyway yes it takes a few months sometimes but the big question danny is.....are you just lazy by nature. not to be...