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    seed help

    hey r feminized seeds guaranteed to sprout and be female
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    Flowering White Widow Mother

    damn wat was the yield of that beautiful plant.
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    danky seeds needed

    hey i need to know where i can get 6 of the bombest plant seeds that my friends have ever seen..we smoke alot of kush and medical so i want to grow soe plants they have never seen or smoked ... im setting up a 6 plant setup with a buddy at his house in southern california...can any1 give me some...
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    question about lighting

    hey everyone..hows ur plants going....good i hope...i a interested in buying a new light set up...if i want to grow 2 or 3 plants with one that possible and would i need a 400 watt system or a 1000 watt...i can save more money if the 1000 watt would be a better choice...didnt know if...
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    3 weeks in flower/question

    hey ur plant looks great in that old is the plant...let us no how much it yields....hey u guys know if a bird piked baby leaes off the bottom of the plant and the stem is left,will they grow bak just fine or did i loose them forever..just put it in a bird cage for...
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    help wanted

    hey the super silver haze clone looks great..its about a 11 inches tall..still young but i wanted to know if i could take a clone from her in order to keep this great strain of plants it a possibility? and which leaf stem would i take? haha great spot for it too...its about a 500 foot...
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    Super Silver Haze

    hey the super silver haze clone looks great..its about a 11 inches tall..still young but i wanted to know if i could take a clone from her in order to keep this great strain of plants it a possibility? and which leaf stem would i take? haha great spot for it too...its about a 500 foot...
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    Super Silver Haze

    lol funny found my setup and had no clue wat is i just transfered my plant into a field stashed very well just to be u no how fast it will grow outside...i live in southern california so theres lots of sun....this is my first plant that was a clone and dont want it...
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    Super Silver Haze

    hey..i just got a super silver haze clone from the clinic yesterday...its about 10 inches tall right excited..cant wait to see how high it get me.ive been told it takes about 3 months for complete flowering to take long until it reaches a mature enough age to start...