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  1. B

    newbie-lighting help

    well thanks for your your help this forum is of no use to me now oh and like i said in my last post i have stopped growing its all gone and the reason i dont want to grow out doors is because there are to many crazy people out there growing, my friend who was growing in the woods got shot in the...
  2. B

    newbie-lighting help

    ok ok i stop growing at home, thanks for the help anyways
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    newbie-lighting help

    thats cool the problem is the nearest woods are like more then 2 hours drive away as i live in the city and it wouldn't be safe growing out there as there are too many people that grow there and they are dangerous people, i have clones so i can harvest once amonth (well thats what im hoping) and...
  4. B

    newbie-lighting help

    i didnt want to tell them i not sure why just thought they would get upset and say that they made a mistake smoking when they used to, and i have told them my mum was abit upset but got over it and my dad was ok with it but as long as i only grow once in awhile like when im runnig out then i can...
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    newbie-lighting help

    thanks bizzy323 youv been a big help most appreciated
  6. B

    newbie-lighting help

    thanks bizzy323 youve been a very big help ill take a look at that site soon, some of the leaves do have burns like that but how would i know which is dry leaves and which is nut burn
  7. B

    newbie-lighting help

    how can u tell if you have nut burns sorry for all this i just dont know much about all the info im getting thanks for your help
  8. B

    newbie-lighting help

    oh i see yeah i do have mylar put along the the wall im using some nutrients called budzilla and earth juice its apparently really good for them and i cant vent the room cause they wont let me put hole in the ceiling or walls would you recommend any other nuts and i might flush the plant soil...
  9. B

    newbie-lighting help

    yes i do have a ballast in the growing room and whats a mylar and nuts?? not to sure what you mean should i be using them and i will be telling my parents tonight as they used to smoke when they were younger and they know that i smoke and they dont mind so it should be sweet but i will be...
  10. B

    newbie-lighting help

    yeah i spray them when the light is on is this a bad thing?? i will go and buy some new light tomorrow how low would you recommend to hang the new lights and do they produce heat thanks for you help bizzy323 much appreciated
  11. B

    newbie-lighting help

    hey guys i need help i recently converted my wardrobe in to a growing wardrobe its abot 180cm long and about 80-100cm wide i have 2 white widows in flowering at the moment with a 400watt lucagrow light in there. my problem is i live with my parents and they dont know that im growing so i cant go...
  12. B


    hey guys im new to all this but here gos, i have 2 white widow plants (indoor) growing they are both in flowering at the moment and some people have told me to prune when the plant is flowering so that the flowers get more light is good one of my plants is budding really well and is covered with...