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  1. S

    Came back to this...

    Well my 2nd Oakton Ecotestr2 just bit the dust. Checked the rez today and it was over 8.0 so I knew from how the last one went, that something was up. Go to calibrate it and it says 8.5 when in the 7.0 solution, and shows 7.0 when in the 4.01 solution!!! So I don't know for how long it was...
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    Came back to this...

    ok thanks that's what I wondering, if my EC is too low. I just thought I saw small tip burn a couple weeks back so I didn't want to push it. Also the EC doesn't drop in the rez, and actually increases over time. Doesn't that mean they have enough nutes? I thought if EC goes up over time then the...
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    Came back to this...

    Did some fim'ing/topping/supercropping a few days before going away for 3 days. I also changed the light from a 110w floro to the 300w MH. Set EC to 400 and pH to 5.2 the day I left, and when I came back it was EC 500 and pH of 7. They get flooded every 8hrs, and air temps are around 23c 74f...
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    What's up with the top of my bud?

    Ok thanks, I think I'll try to bend them down a bit. I noticed actually that a few more tops are starting to look like that now, all hard with few to no hairs. This is a 70/30 Sativa/Indica strain...would Sativa's burn easier than indicas, or does it not really matter between the two?
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    Tent Growers Club....

    Pass it to the left please! :48: ....ahh PS: My setup; 2 Secret Jardin DR120II's, flowering on left, vegging that mother on the right and as soon as the left tent is done flowering I'm going to set up a perpetual 2 tent grow. I also have a little DP120 propagator tent in the room...
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    growing in a apartment. plz help!

    Secret Jardin(Dark Room II) all the way for tents!! I'm running 2 DR120's, and have a 3x3 flood table in one with 9 girls flowering. If you set them up right, you can have them very very very quiet and discrete. Fan, filter, light...etc all in the tent so if you get an inspection, they...
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    What's up with the top of my bud?

    What kind of problems would those be and where is the danger zone? here are some more pics of them...also notice the odd shaped brown and yellow blotches on the deformed bud leaves, which is actually a side branch of one of the tallest plants behind it where the top has grown past the light...
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    What's up with the top of my bud?

    Ok thanks guys. Unfortunately the light is as high as it can go in the tent, and in fact some of the other plants have grown taller than the light!! But this bud is about 3"-4" under the glass of my air cooled 600hps. It is not hot on my hand, and there are other plants that are touching the...
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    What's up with the top of my bud?

    This is the only bud that looks like this, and it's the one directly under the bulb, and the tops looks like a...I dunno, a but or something? It certainly doesn't look like the rest, and all the buds under it look normal, it's just the top. This is my first grow so I don't know if this is...
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    Clones: New growth bright/lime green and stunted after transplant

    Soil said enough nutrients for 4 months of growth...should I assume it's a hot soil? thanks
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    Clones: New growth bright/lime green and stunted after transplant

    Ok thanks guys. I watered only after transplant, and just once until some dripped out the bottom. That was about a week ago for most. Some of the plugs were pretty dry, not rock hard, but some were getting there. The yellow on most I think started while still rooting, but certainly got worse...
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    Clones: New growth bright/lime green and stunted after transplant

    Ok my rooted clones that I transplanted into 16oz cups are looking bad. The new growth seems small/stunted and is bright lime green, and some yellow. Clones were rooted in Root Riots, then transplanted into "Professional Potting Soil" with more perlite I added, then I watered with a...
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    Will power bar lights disturb dark period?

    If someone had a light meter they could go out on a full moon and tell us what it reads. Then we could use that as a maximum allowable for inside inside ...I'm just guessing that's how it works
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    Will power bar lights disturb dark period?

    Hey just wondering if the red and green lights on my power bar that are in my tent would cause issues with the dark period? The power switch is lit up red, and the indicator lights for fault protection are green. The red one is the biggest, but probably still LED. Anything to worry about in...
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    Is this a male?

    Topped a few of my plants today, and think this one might be a male? Plant is around 2 months in veg under 24hr light. What do you think?
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    Tips/help With My Outdoor Guerrilla Soil Mix Please!

    I'm getting ready for my first outdoor grow this summer, guerrilla style. I'm totally overwhelmed with all the soil mixes I read on here, not knowing what is best for my conditions. So I thought I'd see what you guys have to say about it. I'm going to be growing in the Cariboo region of...
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    Need help leveling my plant heights! Clone the top?

    Hey all! This is my first grow and I've got 9 plants(Texada Timewarp 70/30% Sativa/Indica) in a 3x3 flood and drain table. 2 are growing taller than the others, and 2 are quite short. The one in the back corner of the table is the tallest of them all, and isn't filling out like the...
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    Is this root rot?

    Ya the little brown guys on their own are definitely slimy, and I've taken them out, but that big root mass with the brown tint feels healthy and the brown seems to be getting buried in the white. So I'd feel if I cut it off I'd be cutting off a lot of healthy roots too. As soon as I get my...
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    Is this root rot?

    Hey Godess I have a Micropore Dual airstone being fed by 7.5LPM, so I think it's getting enough air? Ok well here's the update photos. Still haven't done anything, and the big clump of brown is still there, BUT it's fading and seems to be overtaken by new white roots. There are still a few...
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    Twisted growth - Leaves look like throwing stars/boomerangs!

    And here is close up pics of that original plant. I took a good close up of one of the worst leaves, so you can see how half the leaf is shriveled up, causing the twist ...and a group shot taken today