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  1. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    yeah i couldnt find it there, i think im just gonna order **** from there tho
  2. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    im having trouble finding an air cooling kit, for my hood anyone know where i can buy a piece of tempered glass separately or the kit? i think i foudn something u guys think this will fit...
  3. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    yeah im doing that now, do you know how i would go about getting the right flange? would i have to measure the hole? and also i found a inline fan that was 60cfl. should i get one that has a higher cfl?
  4. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    so if i just call the company they will be able to help me? will they try and screw me with the price though?
  5. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    yeah i think i might did the math wrong on my Cfm i only got 60 total that sound right?
  6. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    alright i will prob try making one myself, my friend is pretty handy so i'll see if he can do it. also tell me if im wrong, the glass thing over the hood is just so it can contain the hot air it needs to blow out? if that is so couldn't i just measure the shade and get glass to fit it? also what...
  7. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    im checking there site now, i dont see a specific attachment for it tho. all i see is the ducting itself...and the fan your talking about would it be like this?
  8. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    so if i just use fans and stuff it wouldnt be enough? id need an air cooled hood or a cool tube. also this isn't a air cooled hood?
  9. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    you know where i can get that attachment?
  10. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    yeah i got a tutorial on one, these things just let the smoke out but odorless?
  11. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    DAAAAMN lol how tall do your plants get i was gonna get 5 gallon pots thinking i could get a 5ft plant thinking that would yield that foolish of me to think?
  12. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    alright i gotta invest a little more money then i originally thought. idk what a 30lb carbon filter is but can i buy them?
  13. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    thx alot thats was very helpful i was thinking about having it run to my attic. but i for the life of me couldn't figure out what that tubing is called that your using. could you tell me? lol i was getting ready to build a carbon scrubber to help with the smell.. also to whoever said it wont...
  14. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    thx alot. i live in the suburbs of chicago. but i dont really have an attic. but yeah i figured i can let cool air in. i just hope i can get a plant to yield alot of me and have it be crazy flame bud. like teh stuff i see in high times lol
  15. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    yeah its a white Little box but the little box plugs in the wall.
  16. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    idk wut a ballast is lol. i got a thing you explained at first tho.
  17. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    yeah i got some seeds from a bag. but it was a bag of uk cheese which is pretty good ****. so i figured i cud skip ordering seeds unti this one is is grown. ima go check out the set up stuff. i still gotta get pots and stuff. but how wud i knowif my ballast is air cooled? its got little vents on it
  18. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    yeah its cool, thats the problem i was having is ventilation idk how ima do that. lol. but yeah i planned on hanging film over the folding doors and this is me "doing my homework" son. and idk if i was gonna do a few plants or 7 this is my first time doing this so came here for tips
  19. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    anyone know how high i should hang the light so i don't burn the plants
  20. M

    Is This a Good Place To Grow?

    oh sry if i didnt mention. i live in a house.