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  1. H

    Stealth (PC) Northern Lights

    Transplanted her into a bigger pot today and snapped a few pics. First of the roots which were indeed bound. Added 3 parts peat moss to 1 part perilite and am thinking this will bring the ph down too low:eek: . Should I have added in some dolomitic limestone? Giving her better soil is the best i...
  2. H

    Stealth (PC) Northern Lights

    There is also the option of moving her outdoors and filling a hole or bigger pot with better soil mixed with the current soil(yes its from the yard/woods)? Has anyone here moved a plant from indoor to outdoor that wasn't on the same lighting schedule as the sun? Right now i have her dark period...
  3. H

    Stealth (PC) Northern Lights

    Perhaps the reason she is so small compared to yours is the fact that she has only about 54 watts of light coming to her... also I have had her on 18/6 since the beginning. The water I've been using, I think, has a PH of 6.5. You guys are correct in assuming she is hungry as I've only fed her...
  4. H

    Stealth (PC) Northern Lights

    Is that right? From what I've heard NL is a relatively small plant 60-100 cm, roughly 39 inches. The height of the grow space is almost exactly 24 inches. I would love to try out lowryder seeds in this box, as they would be perfect for it, but I have none.
  5. H

    Stealth (PC) Northern Lights

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and thought I'd share my grow with you all. This is my second grow, first time using soil. A few months ago I found myself unemployed (don't worry i have since found a job) and after the power supply on my desktop blew I had to replace it myself. I was left...