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  1. S

    Any tips?

    Does anyone have any tips on what kind of soil would be best for growing outdoors in the mojave desert? It gets up to 100 degrees often and my soil drys out fast. Right now im useing steer manure,mulch,and some soil i found mixed together.
  2. S

    Starting new

    Ok cool :) Ive got a question,do you know any good sites that explains alot about growing outside?(besides this one)
  3. S

    Starting new

    Ive decided to just buy the soil i need,get some more chronic seeds,and plant them in pots in July. Is the begining of July to late? Or will they bud by the end of November?
  4. S

    Yellow leafs!!

    Now i dont know who to believe.
  5. S

    Yellow leafs!!

    Ok this is what i did if it dies then im sorry about my luck. I got some maricle grow garden soil (the kind you put in the ground) and i dug a hole,put the soil in the hole and planted my plant. I live in the Mojave Desert so im not sure how this is gonna work out. Any ideas?
  6. S

    Need some info asap

    Ok this is what i did if it dies then im sorry about my luck. I got some maricle grow garden soil (the kind you put in the ground) and i dug a hole,put the soil in the hole and planted my plant. I live in the Mojave Desert so im not sure how this is gonna work out. Any pointers?
  7. S

    Yellow leafs!!

    Ok i found some soil called earth grow premature mix. Would that be ok?
  8. S

    Yellow leafs!!

    Hahah alright :) Do you know how to flush it? Should i flush it or just change the soil?
  9. S

    Yellow leafs!!

    How do you flush it?
  10. S

    Yellow leafs!!

    So i should just change the soil and give it no food for 4 weeks? Woent putting new soil in stunt its growth for a couple days?
  11. S

    Yellow leafs!!

    On the back it says slow release.....Is that bad?
  12. S

    Yellow leafs!!

    The soil or the food i gave it?
  13. S

    Yellow leafs!!

    Yes its in a 2.5 litter pot with maricle grow potting soil.
  14. S

    Is it to late?

    Yeah im starting out with one right now. If all goes well i plan on growing lots next year.
  15. S

    Yellow leafs!!

    My leafs on my 12 day old plant are turning yellow what should i do? I fed it marical grow but they are still yellow and it seems to be getting worse. Would lack of humidty cuase them to turn yellow? I need help ASAP!!!
  16. S

    Need some info asap

    I give it maricle grow but the leaves are still yellow what should i do?
  17. S

    Is it to late?

    Thanks for the info. Im just praying its a female.
  18. S

    What are the chances?

    Thanks for the info guys :)
  19. S

    Is it to late?

    All i know is that its called chronic.
  20. S

    What are the chances?

    If it came out to be a hermie would it still grow bud?