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  1. H

    the horror

    just checked my two beautiful babies that mother nature was nurturing for me..... gone, destroyed, eaten by some piece cute little bambi deer. I had even put "deer retardent" edit product out there to help. There is an emptiness in my stomach. Wow my first attempt has been a complete an utter...
  2. H

    rookie questions

    thanks for the help!!
  3. H

    rookie questions

    Just a couple a questions regarding my first attempt to grow via mother nature: should I fertilize and when? and if my babies are male (I didn't read this site first and learn to buy seeds that are female!) can the leaves be used to make hash like people describe on the site. Thanks, wish...
  4. H

    buying seeds?

    I am trying to plant for the first time a bunch of seeds I got from a friend. But the more I read on this site I am starting to wonder if the seeds are any good to warrant the work I am doing and if I should just buy seeds from the net? So does anyone know if its legit to buy online and...
  5. H


    thanks for the welcome!!
  6. H


    just signed up. I am trying for the first time to grow via mother nature in a well secluded brush area around my place. Not sure about the quality of seeds, got them from a friend not purchased. I only have a few seedlings growing and I am getting ready to place them outside. Not sure how to...