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  1. J

    FF soil and nutrients. What works well for you?

    Right on. Sounds like a good plan I will try that and see how it goes.
  2. J

    FF soil and nutrients. What works well for you?

    How long did you keep them in the peat pellets before you moved them into the ocean forest? I use peat pellets too, thanks for your info bro
  3. J

    FF soil and nutrients. What works well for you?

    Right on thanks. I'll probably start them in either happy frog or light warrior and transplant into OF when they get a little heartier, don't wanna burn the babies!
  4. J

    FF soil and nutrients. What works well for you?

    Hello everyone. I've been going through several posts on FF soils like Happy Frog and ocean forest. I'm pretty much sold on ocean forest and will use it most likely in combination with Light Warrior, escpecially for seedlings as I have seen the ocean forest burn young plants with my own eyes. I...
  5. J

    Hello friends!!!!

    Hello everyone, great to see a lot of you out there who share my passion of our favorite plant. I've been reading and researching MJ for the past 10 years or so. I finally got the opportunity to grow for the first time and WOW what a great expirience. I was fortunate to get ahold of some God Bud...