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  1. S

    Pranic VS Drug Testing

    I am now starting to be be randomely drug tested.. but if I light up, then later that day take some aspirin, and cranberry juice, followed by vitamins and water for the next few days.. it'll clean out my system right?
  2. S

    Ugh, I need help with drug testing

    well's just that it is pretty hard for me to get beer, except i could get some from some friends But does doing that a bit after blaz up.. like a day after clean out my system?
  3. S

    Ugh, I need help with drug testing

    Well my dad smokes pot for pain since he has some disease But long story short.. I saw a psychologist, (cause I had a panic attack, and my dad thought I was gettig into his herb cause for the last 2 weeks of summer vacation I spent in my room) told her some personal stuff (she is a friend of...