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  1. J

    Blue Cheese

    Hiya everyone, Has anyone ever grown Blue Cheese before ? from seed. Indoor, Hydro. :)
  2. J

    seed advice please

    Thanks .Done that stage no probs, was after planting that they croaked. Always done cutting, until i moved homes. So its start again time. so looking for some good fem seeds ?
  3. J

    seed advice please

    Hi im planning on buying some new seeds. FEM But would like some that take the least time to grow, not to big, but a good strain. Has all my other seedlings have croaked at the second stage ? Gonna grow hydro Anyone got any suggestions Please ?
  4. J

    New 2 This

    gonna do it hydro.
  5. J

    New 2 This

    Thanks for the replys. hope someone can give me a few tips soon, has im growing from seed.
  6. J

    can i ask

    has anyone grew Wonder Woman from seed ?
  7. J

    New 2 This

    Would like to say hello to everyone first. And to ask if anyone has grown Wonder Woman before ?