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  1. B

    hi everybody im new

  2. B

    funny as hell

    im sorry but you guys have to see this.heres a site i stumbled on there playing truth or dare embarresing there self getting naked
  3. B

    moms pissing me off

    this sucks,i just ordered some seeds , now my mom wants to decide to bitch about a cople of my plants,germinated 20 seeds from seed white widow ,skunk 1,and freebies.i already got them wet.what else am i going t do.**** this i payed for those seeds ,my mom ,can kiss my ass,i hate parents...
  4. B

    police get caught stealing electricity
  5. B

    hi everybody im new

    hi everybody i stumbled on this form .seems like this is a pretty good place ,i think im sticking here