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  1. Bobby

    Ounce per cup?

    I put an ounce of pressed kief in one cup of oil. How to calculate strength of my gummy bears? I find online calculators for flower but I'm not great at this math lol. I make 70 bears per cup of oil. If anyone can help me figure the strength I would greatly appreciate it 🙏 ❤️
  2. Bobby

    Sugar Haze

    My next round has started. Got these seeds online from a guy in Washington. I won't mention seller's names here (unless asked). 16 seeds. One tiny seed I didn't think would pop but did. I can't even tell which it was😄...they popped in just 2 days, 100% germination.
  3. Bobby

    I'm new here...

    Glad to find forums again. I was in CC magazine grow forums as "flower" back in the late 90's and til early 2000's. Been growing dank for 25 years and even if I didn't smoke, I'd still grow. Glad to be here, as always want to learn more and share/help if I can.