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  1. S

    Finally did our first harvest! Did we ruin it?

    We just harvested one plant from our first harvest. These were grown outdoors. I feel like they are overly saturated with sugar leaves. The are very fluffy, but still very very smelly and sticky. I'm not sure if this is good or bad, or what could have causes this if it's something we did...
  2. S

    First time grower looking for drying advice!

    This will be my first harvest, we are more than excited. It all began with a simple experiment to test worm castings produced in my worm farm. These plants absolutly exploded. Now comes the time to dry and I find myself torn between two methods. These plants are far to tall to go into any rooms...
  3. S

    Hi guys!

    Since things got legalized here I wanted to give my worm castings a test and see how they effect cannabis. I completly blown away by the results! The plants on the right have all had castings since they started as seeds. The 3 on the left were started in only top soil. About a month in I...