Can anyone turn me onto a small washin machine for washing materials? I found the one I bought today for half price on a non canabis site. Thats just stupid
I have 21, 14 inch saucers that I have to empty every watering or every other watering. I use a shop vac but its only good for a few saucers then I have to lug it through the house outside, empty, wash off, put back together and do this about 10 more times. I want a pump that I can leave...
I have chemdawg, gorilla cookies, unicorn burst, runtz auto. OG runtz photo, queens banner 3, purple rocketry, iced gusghers, another night owl that starts with an M. 21 plants total
I use all of raw npk grow bloom nitrogen potassium phosphorus omniA, Enzymes, amino acids, vit b, humic, ftlllup: kelp, silica grow microbes bloom microbes calmag. Molasses, yuvva. The results amazing. Water ware feed 900 veg 1300-1709ppm flower
Im seriously thinking about pulling the trigger on a 4 bucket set up. I'm still a little confused about it though. I would need condensation pump for the run-off and Im wondering how much run'off there will be. IT would need to be pumped up the wall and out the window. THe set up will be in a...
These 2 are must have. From Noth Atlantic seed. Bessie cake is the Jbeezy wedding cake cut crossed with South Bay Bessie. Uplifting energetic high but you don't remember anything lol. It's extremely potent. He'll bender is in a class all her own. I don't know what else to say. You get 6-7:seeds...
Unicorn burst is a grail seed for most growers and Gas Reaper crossed her with their autoflower to produce Unicorn poop. You need at least 2 filters to grow this lady but its well worth it...7-8 seeds for 45 bucks shipped..North Altlantic Seed has all the big name and their customer service is...
I was able to buy a few that I've seen else where too. Queens Banner 3, Star SApangled Banner, Purple Pope, Popecicle and one more that I've only seen once and I cant remember the name, It started wtih an M...Thats all I know. Metedia? or something like that
Any advice>? Ive researched it for over a year now and I ' think im reakdy. The only thing that worries me is heat and thats not a problem for the next few months. Auto flowers or photos do better>