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  1. MJ Passion

    Kind Seed Co

    Kind Seed Co [email protected] 1-844-807-1234
  2. MJ Passion

    Letting off steam (some favorite photos)

    Hey all. I have to come somewhere fun to relax for a bit, so I thought of all of you. I think I'm going to post some photos I like a lot, and then if you want you can post some of yours. Not necessarily MJ photos. Mine are a lot of trees and nature and cabins and such. So here goes a few...
  3. MJ Passion

    Curiousity - phone outages yesterday

    Hi all, I was effected by the AT&T issues yesterday. Was very weird having a phone that would do everything but call out (no carrier). The Consumer Cellular was not working either. It took some investigating that it was a nationwide issue with a few carriers. I later learned that...
  4. MJ Passion

    Winter Plans?

    The holiday season is here! With all the food and family about to commence I figured it would be a good time to launch a thread covering your holiday plans. What are you up to this year? What are your plans? Will you be able to get some family/friend time this year? Any special events? It...
  5. MJ Passion

    Happy Halloween

    To those that like and enjoy it.....
  6. MJ Passion

    How do you track/log your grows?

    Curious how everyone tracks and logs their grows and charts all the variables for each grow.
  7. MJ Passion

    Where did the components come from?

    Okay - someone on a YouTube mentioned God and Aliens and belief in each. Got my mind going off in a few directions. This is something that I just cannot figure out an answer. First thought. There is a God by whatever name you call it. And that's where this world and other worlds came...
  8. MJ Passion

    Off the wall topic - Do you cry easily

    Bear with me. I was discussing the passing of close family members and how some people have a good cry and are very sad, and some people seem not to cry much at all and can see almost uncaring. The criers don't understand how anyone with a heart would not be crying buckets and say the non...
  9. MJ Passion

    Christmas photos/ other holiday photos

    I would love to see any photos of decorated plants or just your area. I am thinking some of the plants would make neat holiday photos.
  10. MJ Passion

    Support MarijuanaPassions - Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum & Cashapp

    Since we are limited in how we can receive donations, we have decided to provide options through Cashapp, Bitcoin or Ethereum, for your consideration. Due to the private nature of cryptocurrency, you must send us a private message or email after you send your donation. Our mission to offer the...
  11. MJ Passion

    Happy Thanksgiving or upcoming Thursday

    Hi all, For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving this Thursday I wish you a great day and no major family/friend fusses. (You know, families that are not use to each other often have at least a couple of people having a fuss.) I hope you have good get togethers with family or chosen...
  12. MJ Passion

    For the group

    I saw this on Facebook and thought you'd get a chuckle out of it. Happy Saturday.
  13. MJ Passion

    Do any members know of this?

    Can anyone fill in information they have on these products? I'd love to hear your information.
  14. MJ Passion

    What is Delta 8?
  15. MJ Passion

    When the South legalizes MJ

    I saw this and thought of all of you. Anyone that knows the South will appreciate this .
  16. MJ Passion

    Introducing the User Control Panel

    I answered a question about emails. So I thought I'd introduce you to the User Control Panel. This will allow you to customize what you get. (If mobile, it will show your avatar.) Click on your member name in the Upper Right hand corner of the page: This is the User Control Panel: It...
  17. MJ Passion

    Greetings! Nice to see all the new folks here

    Hi everyone. As you can see, my name is Angie and I'm site Admin and do the light technical issues, help you with features of the forum software and things like that. I also admin on the forum when needed. To the old members, the old staff as stepped down and we now have @putembk as a...
  18. MJ Passion

    News articles about Cannabis treating Covid - 19

    Have any of you been seeing some of these articles? and other...
  19. MJ Passion

    Many types of members - this is a Marijuana Forum. Remember it please.

    Okay members. I am well aware there are two political leanings on this site. That is fine. This is not a Liberal Site and it is not a Conservative site. When discussing how to grow MJ you will behave and discuss that. When in the Old Timer's Club thread/s or the new Island of Misfits...
  20. MJ Passion

    Happy St. Patrick's Day

    Saw this and thought of all of you. Hope you have a really good day.