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  1. I_H8_MY_X

    High yielding indoor plants

    Whats the difference??? and how do you tell them appart, also which is better for high, taste, quality?
  2. I_H8_MY_X

    First time growing alone, need some advice

    how big is your closet??? how many plants are you planning to grow there? 2x 250 lights seems a bit hot unless the closet is big, my closets are small too affraid id burn the house down... Might wanna check with some of the pro's on this one, might need really good ventilation and air flow...
  3. I_H8_MY_X

    buying nutrients

    my local hydro shops wanted $85 for moster bud, seems a bit pricy... I have a similar topic going right now, and was advised by monkey and few others Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom or Micro Bloom, unfortunitly cant find any of them were I live...
  4. I_H8_MY_X

    What Nutrients do I need for flowering

    Monkey, that shit looks yummy...I am gonna have to do a trip out of la la land to find some of this stuff, they also had mega bud or something at $85 some advance nutrients, anyways gonna have to look around some more or buy online...
  5. I_H8_MY_X

    Hey i need advice.

    LOL, must be lost, think your looking for :D
  6. I_H8_MY_X

    trash can!!!!!!!!first time grow question

    why the trouble of a garbage can and rubber made box, just some plastic pots, I bought mine at the dollar store holds about a gallon or so, and fluro lights at home depot, they had the four foot double lights on sale for $8.49 and I bought some plant fluro lights at $7./each
  7. I_H8_MY_X

    What Nutrients do I need for flowering

    Hi Guys, I went to two different local hydro shops near me and non of them sell Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom or Micro Bloom, one of them recommend me getting... DNF Bloom Part A + B (Dutch Nutrient Forumal) and Ozi Magic Gro Juice Monsta Bud (Austalian Made) Organic additive...
  8. I_H8_MY_X

    my plants - first grow

    nice....agree about the foil... I think I have seen actual mirror type reflectors you can buy at any hydro shop...
  9. I_H8_MY_X

    What Nutrients do I need for flowering

    Hi Guys, I changed the light settings from 24/0 to 12/12 last week I was wondering what nutrients should I be giving the plants or any specific type for best bud results?? all personal sugestions are welcome... my plants are in soil...
  10. I_H8_MY_X

    topping Sativa Plant

    Here is the information I found on LST, it has step by step pics and info, there is alot you can cut out, What I've done is copy and pasted the important info to a word document and printed it out, that way I dont have any uncessary chat postings and can always go back to reference the material...
  11. I_H8_MY_X

    Should I get a carbon filter?

    Thanks Gigalo for this url tip, I made two 6" carbon scrubers, the instructions was easy, but the price was a little off, the motor fans each were minimum $40 at homedepot in Canada, found princess auto had 6" starting at $26, but the small 4" fans where expensive up to $50, I ended paying a...
  12. I_H8_MY_X

    Personal environments?

    the enviroment is brutal, totally uncalled for how you treat your plants... just kidding :D , looks fine to me... do you have any fans going to circlate the air in the room?
  13. I_H8_MY_X

    topping Sativa Plant

    On your next grow you can try LST (Low Stress Training) this will keep the plant bushy and low. I have also noticed if you are using fluro lights instead of putting the lights on the top, to but them on both sides of the plant, this will help reduce the height and make it grow bushy, not sure...
  14. I_H8_MY_X

    How much product/weight can you receive from one plant?

    yeah there is a difference between doing stealth and risk, I perfer stealth... your not talking about a few plants, if each plant produces an average of 1-1/2oz of buds you need 10.5 plants to produce a pound, thats 105 plants for 10lbs and thats if you do it all right and if they are all...
  15. I_H8_MY_X

    they were definately hermies!

    why dont you try smoking the hermie buds and let us know if you got any high from it...
  16. I_H8_MY_X

    Flowering PH Level

    What should the ph level be when in the flowering stages, im not using any nutrients, just indoor garden soil mixed with cow shit which is 0.5 0.5 0.5.. should I get nutrients especially at this stage... I didn't use any nutrients in the growing phase only used a bit of mircle grow starter seed...
  17. I_H8_MY_X

    How much product/weight can you receive from one plant?

    this depends on what kind of lighting your using will depend height. I didn't want height on my cause im in a crawl space so I use 8 fluro plant lights on the sides ( 4 plant fluros on each side of the plant) and a 1 small fluro on the top for the height growth, my plants are bushy and full, the...
  18. I_H8_MY_X


    yes you can, its called a green house, how you build it is up to you, but if you have cold winters, make sure there is some heat around 26c - 27c with 40-70% humidity... I think you should be posting this in the General Outdoor Growing as someone there my have already done one... Hell you can...
  19. I_H8_MY_X

    too early to change lights???

    I started with 4 plants all at the same time, same light, same watering frequency, same distance to light and same nutrients, one of them matured really fast from seed to pre flower was end of 5 weeks, the second tallest is just starting to pre flower female and its on its 7 week, but this one...
  20. I_H8_MY_X

    Something most NEWB's over look

    great tip mutt, there should be a sticky on this in this forum, rather then posting it every 2-3 months...