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  1. I_H8_MY_X

    digital ph meter/pen

    hick were do you find horticultural lime??
  2. I_H8_MY_X

    4 wks...

    the plant looks like its about 1-1/2 to 2 weeks old...I agree with the light if its fluro bring it closer, you can put the light about 1inch away or rule of thumb as close to the plant without burning your hand by putting in front of the light for a min.
  3. I_H8_MY_X

    4 wks...

    dude your plant is gonna grow another 3-4 more weeks at this rate or till its about 10-12 inches high, then you will be able to see preflower, remove the male plants and throw them out or compost, and keep the females then turn the light to 12 on 12 off and the females will start to bud and that...
  4. I_H8_MY_X

    expert help needed..

    yup, change to 12/12 and keep an eye on the sex, pull the males asap...
  5. I_H8_MY_X

    Growing, drying, curing indoors - harmful?

    Krista, you can come over to my basement to cut, trim and prep anytime...
  6. I_H8_MY_X

    some clone help needed !

    I think it takes longer then 2 weeks to determine sex, I maybe wrong, I didnt find out about sex till about the 4 or 5th week...
  7. I_H8_MY_X

    Fluro lights for flowering

    I have used fluro from the begining and now in my 2nd week of flowering, I am using 6 four foot plant fluros (pinkish colour) and 2 four foot natural day light fluros and 4 two foot plant fluros for a total of 16400 lumins per foot in a 2x4 is my pic
  8. I_H8_MY_X


    when I started I bought everything from homedepot... take the drive to lala land and get the stuff you need cause youll need it for best yeild, if not try growing it outside if you live south and weather is good year round...
  9. I_H8_MY_X


    when I first started growing in soil I used mircle grow seed starter... then when I started flowering I was noticing I need nutrients and ph down and all this other stuff, might as well get a credit card and order online and have it mailed to you...
  10. I_H8_MY_X

    sexing plants chart?

    stevo, I have also read that if the seed was from a hermie that it could be genetic, I dont know how much truth is there to that until I try for myself, but in the other hand please let me know...
  11. I_H8_MY_X

    Humidity Level Question?

    actually to think of it, its been 80 the last few days, I think my thermostat is broken...dam spring...
  12. I_H8_MY_X

    Humidity Level Question?

    shit, mine is at minimum 50% and that was with ac on.. and max today was at 80%, I think I should turn the ac back on, I dont want to be spending any more money right now for a dehumidifier... or electricity...
  13. I_H8_MY_X

    sexing plants chart? are you talking about sex ed? oops from seed, sorry I haven't seen that one... think they called it feminized seeds cause there is still a chance it could turn to male or hermi
  14. I_H8_MY_X

    Growing, drying, curing indoors - harmful?

    Pollen Allergies to weed is the only thing I can think of LOL... If you smoke regular cigarettes near your kids you would be causing more harm to them as in second hand smoke... oh mold if your not careful with drying and curing...
  15. I_H8_MY_X

    Plant size

    I think thats a really good idea, another 3-4 weeks, make sure they are females, there is a great sticky on this forum for sex ed, it helped me alot determine my sex of my plants, I didn't do bad, 4 of the 6 are girls... here is the url...
  16. I_H8_MY_X


    Do you have any experience in growing mj? If not, I suggest that you start with any seed you can get your hands on and learn about the nutrients and soil/hydro ph levels, lighting, indoor/outdoor growing before spending money on seeds, once you get your hands on experience you should be fine...
  17. I_H8_MY_X

    Plant size

    doesn't look like a male, but maybe too early to determine sex, id wait a bit more and try to make the plants a bit healthy... before flowering
  18. I_H8_MY_X

    Plant size

    your plants dont look so good...anyways I was able to change my light schedule to 12/12 around 8 inches but made sure they where females first... in your pics they are hard to tell if some of the stem area has pre flower with bright white hair coming out of it, here is a pic of my plant which is...
  19. I_H8_MY_X

    Plant size

    that is pre flower I beleive... maybe female, do you have any pics?
  20. I_H8_MY_X

    High yielding indoor plants

    CO2?? How do you use CO2 in a room or closet??? I heard of this method, but now I am understanding about growing in general and this seems interesting to know...