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  1. F

    56 Days

    sorry to hear about your loss...
  2. F

    what is this state?

    any ditchweed anywhere around?
  3. F


    no no after i read my post again after i had gotten my response i realized that i probably would have interperted it the same way...and since its just the end of morel season where im at im just use to talking about mushrooms without people thinking i mean the trippy kind!
  4. F


    i guess i should have been a little more clear...i was talking about morels or some of the other edible kinds
  5. F

    Hundreds of Marijuana Plants Found North of Pasco

    I wonder if the "evidence room" has an hps on 12/12 light? lol
  6. F

    Indiana Police On Alert As Prime Pot Season Nears

    400 pounds is only worth $500,000? thats the first time ive read an estimated street value and thought it was way to low...anyone else agree?
  7. F


    anyone grow any good shrooms out there? been doing a lot of reading and thinking about trying it...anyone have any comments or knowledge about that topic? thanks a ton
  8. F

    Seeking VERY basic general growing help

    i know what you mean for sure.....a practice grow can turn out to be a great thing!! at best youll end up with some killer nuggs and at worst youll probably learn good luck but i still encourge you to read everything you can because you can learn a lot in just a few hours of...
  9. F

    Seeking VERY basic general growing help

    spiral florou is them twisted lights that your suppose to use in place of a regular light bulb to conserve energy...usually they are either 13 watt or 26 watt bulbs. as far as planting the seeds, if your planting indoors under your lights you should just plant one seed per pot and try to use...
  10. F

    whats better?

    thanks for the info! no im not going to go all inside...ive just been thinking that i know a guy that will give me some mothers and i can just cut clones from them and root the babies and then move them outside...ill keep cutting and keep planting until the last few days until i have to plant...
  11. F

    whats better?

    im about to make a purchase on ebay or anywhere and im just wondering whats a better fluorescent spectrum for keeping a mother and rooting white or the bulb i took out called a full spectrum? and maybe a good place to buy from... i just got some stuff from a friend and i should...
  12. F

    New to Indoor

    lol....i was stoned and didnt realize there was 2 more pages before i posted that....hope it still made sence....but anyway, have you cut some clones from you females? it sucks when you realize that they are kickass and then its too late to clone them and keep it goin
  13. F

    New to Indoor

    i agree with DSA you should have as much light as possible....if its the wrong spectrum it wont hurt anything just might not help as much as you want but im sure it will help some....have you tried LST? (low stress training) i use to have a 600w hps with an air cooled hood in a 3x3x3...
  14. F

    SO I found an entire field of all male plants... can I do anything?

    ive got a lot of wild weed growing in my area too...10 to 15 foot plants arent uncommon....when igrow outside i spend a lot of hours walking around and killing the males...of course you missa lot but its better then just letting them grow.....sometimes if i have a male that i know is of "good...
  15. F

    passing a drug test and smoke the day before

    good luck!
  16. F

    Earth Juice ???????

    my buddy swears up and down about earth juice that it was a kik azz fert...i havent used it myself but got a half gallon given to me this fall...hope i can get it all use up this spring and summer! but from what ive heard about earth juice and what ive see for prices in the mag i know ill give...
  17. F

    Just passed drug test after only 12 days of not smoking!

    i remember when i had to go to my small county jail for 48 hours....i was the only one that could speak english....and also the only one that couldnt speak spanish! no one to talk to.. sucked pretty bad.
  18. F

    passing a drug test and smoke the day before

    i failed when i tried this with a home test.:eek:
  19. F

    hemp and cannabis-- will hemp affect?

    Yes hemp will produce buds but they wont be the kind of buds a person wants to smoke...usually pretty spindly and harsh and mostly seeds. i know that even if i go around and kill all the males i can find of ditch weed and let the females bud out, even if there isnt much for seeds in them, they...
  20. F

    How many trips to guerrilla plot?

    I dont think it will affect the quality too much as long as they dont get deprived too long...but quantity will surly be affected. unless conditions are perfect through out the growing season your plants will benefit from all the attention you can give them..