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  1. R

    Effects on the Kidneys

    You must think that because m.j is from the earth it's healthy for you. You shouldn't tell people about there health and well-being if you aren't sure. (you should at least state that you are an idiot) 8side
  2. R

    blood test!?

    Dude it doesn't matter how many joints 1 or 10000 30 days to leave your piss and i heard that if you were a chronic smoker then stop for a while (over 30 days) if you start exerscising allot it can go back into your system even if you havent been smoking. I saw that on a tv show on mtv where...
  3. R

    Can cops tell if you are high

    Is there a test that cops can do on you to see if you're high at the moment? I heard that they couldn't prove you were smoking if you didn't admitt it but it doesn't sound true to me.
  4. R

    PH measuring devices.

    Do you use that hanna meter? I have been looking at it for awhile.
  5. R

    Best Strain

    When i was in amsterdam i tried some silver haze which i thoroughly liked, very nice up buzz.
  6. R

    A Cleanser that works !

    Cool, i'm gonna stick with sure gel though.
  7. R

    what strain is this?!

    maybe it's revenging
  8. R

    your favorite songs to listen to while stoned

    Led zeppelin, tool, radiohead, pink floyd, sublime, deftones
  9. R

    Cloning in rockwool

    Also, is it ok to flower plants that are 5 weeks old? They have pre-flowers. I am worried that they might be too big for my system and suffocate each other if i wait another 3 weeks.
  10. R

    Cloning in rockwool

    If i put Cuttings into rockwool, on a propogation tray, under flour.s, with a humidome? Would it work? I am wanting to take cuttings but i don't want to get a clone machine yet. Also can you get a new mom from clones or will this affect the potency or anything? Thanks
  11. R

    legal trouble

    Hey man sorry to hear that, good luck with everything. How did you get caught? You might be able to get it exponged off your record or something later on down the road.
  12. R

    When and how to choose mom

    So if the plants are healthy and fast growing it means they will be potent?
  13. R


    That's cool dude.
  14. R

    egg cartons

    If you want to be really stealthy: Get an electronic ballast, pump filter bag, put felt pads under anything vibrating, also get the biggest carbon filter you can to be more quite and prolong fan life. I have found that buy doing these steps you can significantly lower operating volumes. I...
  15. R

    When and how to choose mom

    I am wanting to get clones off my best plant. But i am not sure how you determine which is best, do you just have to wait and smoke it or are there signs that one is going to be more potent than others. I already know the basic techniques of cloning i was just wondering on how to pick out a...
  16. R

    fogger better than sprayer?

    I'm gonna post some pics. My plants havegrown astronomically in the past week. Let me find my cam.
  17. R

    fogger better than sprayer?

    No, it isn't loud especially with pump filter and felt on the bottom corners of machine. You can only slightly hear water falling back onto res. I'd say it's pretty much silent.