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  1. P

    My plant is getting retarded!

    I am trying my hand at cultivation for the first time. About 5 days ago it began to split for the 7th time, and I noticed that one of the fan leaves wasn't developing properly. It only grew about a cm long and then curled under and died 4 days later. Another one seems to be trying to grow at the...
  2. P

    Spit tests... No big deal, right?

    So I got this new job and right at the end of the interview it was mentioned that they will be administering a spit test the first day of work, and then randomly for the rest of my employment. I know nothing about spit tests, but I have a feeling it's not much to worry about unless I smoke RIGHT...
  3. P

    How Much Weed Do You Burn?

    I'm more of an off-and-on smoker. I'll do it every day for a week or two, and then only smoke like once or twice a week for the next 2 weeks. I measure my weed out every time, always 1 gram per bowl (finely ground, of course!) and I'll smoke about 2 bowls between the time I get home from work...
  4. P

    Oxygen Power Bags

    A great trick for making sure your roots stay fully supplied with Oxygen is to just add a bit of hydrogen peroxide to your watering solution. I use about 2.5 ml per liter of water. Just need to make sure you keep your water in an air-tight container and keep it in a dark place. Then everytime...
  5. P

    Music and plants

    I've heard this question asked hundreds and hundreds of times, and the answer to it is VERY simple. YES, music DOES make MOST (about 98%, marijuana included) plants grow faster. And certain plants don't like certain types of music, that's bs. It has nothing to do with the melody or beat or...