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  1. Dr.GreenThumb

    Completely Off Topic-

    This is the best post EVER !!!!
  2. Dr.GreenThumb

    OT: Short, tall, or somewhere in between?

    Not tall here, just under 6 foot.
  3. Dr.GreenThumb

    trichome question?

    If you are looking for a good "head" high, I would recommend all cloudy trichs. Its hard to get them all to the same stage as they develope at different levels but all cloudy with some amber is perfect.;)
  4. Dr.GreenThumb

    HID Light

    If you would read his post, you can respond accordingly.:rolleyes:
  5. Dr.GreenThumb

    which ph test to trust?

    I read the info in your link, i'm not going to argue. On this forum I am expressing my personal experience, whoever reads this can use it....or not I dont care. Getting back to the subject, most growers that use soil or hydro think that it is important if not critical to monitor your PH level.
  6. Dr.GreenThumb

    4 Northern Lights and 2 White Widdow

    Thanks PKM.....2 plants are drying as we type, 4 more still growing currently day 61 flowering, as soon as they are dry I will post up the weight. Here is a piece that I cut off to examine the trics couple are amber, most are cloudy and a few still clear. They need a couple more weeks IMO what...
  7. Dr.GreenThumb


    Exactly..;) Man knows what he is talking about...
  8. Dr.GreenThumb

    which ph test to trust?

    I disagree completely and not sure where you got this info. If you dont monitor your PH level I dont care if its hydro or soil you are screwed.
  9. Dr.GreenThumb


    Need some Tiger Bloom to finish it all off and you will be set.
  10. Dr.GreenThumb

    4 Northern Lights and 2 White Widdow

    That was my plan as well, thank you sir. :)
  11. Dr.GreenThumb

    which ph test to trust?

    I offered him mine and he told me NO !!! :eek:
  12. Dr.GreenThumb

    New Grower, Going strong. Any Advice?

    Dang, I guess I dont need to say anything else....they got it all covered.:D
  13. Dr.GreenThumb

    4 Northern Lights and 2 White Widdow

    Thanks TBG, How long do you normally dry yours before you start curing?
  14. Dr.GreenThumb

    4 Northern Lights and 2 White Widdow

    :D What is more important weed? or shower? I guess I have made up my mind huh.... Trics are mostly cloudy with some amber but not alot.
  15. Dr.GreenThumb

    CO2 ideas

    Um, yea... I dont know what i'm talking about.:rolleyes:
  16. Dr.GreenThumb

    CO2 ideas

    If a google search is "alot of hassle" then you have no idea what you are getting yourself into my friend.
  17. Dr.GreenThumb

    Arjarn Haze - mist of destruction

    Bummer :(
  18. Dr.GreenThumb

    CO2 ideas

    Ok, Look over that google search and it should answer the "how" to make it part. I would put a tube up to the back of a fan that is blowing upward and over the plants so the CO2 can fall onto them. IMO this idea is not worth the hassel nor will you see the results that I :D and others may have...
  19. Dr.GreenThumb

    CO2 ideas

    How many plants are you growing? Are your sure that you need "more" CO2 then normal?
  20. Dr.GreenThumb

    CO2 ideas

    Google Search is your friend as well....