If you can keep the back of your hand there for about a min that is what the plant is going to feel...if its really warm 95+ degrees move the light up. Thats about the best you can do. You have to keep your temps under control or its going to be hell.
It will grow, but the question is will it cause more, less, or any bud and will it be worth the time... IMO I dont think so. Clone might be a different story.
TDS is the measuring of the amount of salts in a solution. For alot of applications the amount of salt is indicitive of the levels of other stuff in a solution. TDS/PPM meters sold for gardening and aquariums figure the amount of salt in Parts Per Million by measuring the Electrical Conductivity...
My grow was done under a HPS bulb for the entire time, I wanted to know the results without using a MH bulb. I actually perfered the HPS bulb over the MH. http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4041