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  1. F

    Marijuana Biotechnology For Newbies

    He tried pulling this same crap on another board i'm on. He was quickly called out and never responded again. I suspect we won't be hearing from our CannabisKid anytime soon..... I knew I had seen those pics before
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    Help controlling air movement noise

    I'm sorry but I think you're full of shit. You don't have a grow room with 15 600w hps lights that are adequately taken care of with the ventilation you have described. That room would be COOKING hot. So why don't you take your pretend grow and your pretend problems to another grow board where...
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    Help controlling air movement noise

    You have 15 600w hps lights and you are using ONE 250 canfan to exchange your air in the room or is it to cool the lights? Or both? I just can't imagine there is any scenario where you have 15 hps lights worth of plants and also adequate ventilation with 250 cfm.
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    Buying seeds online

    I just did an order from I am very happy with the result. Package shipped from inside the u.s. and all but 2 seeds made it to seedlings. I have also ordered from attitude seedbank as well.
  5. F

    Save the bud ?

    That plant is far more than 2 weeks from being ready bud. Also maybe it's got to do with your pics or my phone but I can't see any obvious bud rot on those pics. Maybe someone more experienced than I can. If you have any dead leaves be sure to remove them stem and all. That will help reduce...
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    Can I pass a Urine test 35186N SAP 5-50 W/NIT with Sure Jell Certo

    no amount of surejel or drinking water will help you pass a LAB TEST which is what he took. If it was a simple dip test he most likely would've been fine. But the lab test is only passable with fake urine. You can buy it at any smoke shop or sex shop. It is literally synthetically produced...
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    MJ Curing Schedule Dilemma

    I would leave them out for at least a day before I left so I know they are nice and crispy dry. Then I would put them back into the jars for the time I am gone. You just need to make sure they have as little moisture as possible. If you overdry it's possible to put a little moisture back in...
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    yellow leaves

    With only a couple weeks left I wouldn't bother feeding it. Just let it roll keep giving them plain water. Or that's what I would do.
  9. F

    building new room

    centrifuge type fan is what i'm using. It's a 6in. active air brand fan 400cfm. So it will be a bit under twice a minute. I plan 0n using a passive intake. As well as a couple fans circulating air around the grow room. Seems like the fan will do best set up pulling the air. It will be pulling...
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    building new room

    How often should the air in my room be replaced? Just trying to figure out what would work well for an exhaust fan. Also what way do the can fans work best pulling air or pushing it? Like should the fan be at the end or beginning of the run of hose? Or should it be in the middle? Thanks for...
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    Leaf Discolouration and abnormal growth

    I'm no expert and it has been a while since I have clipped clones and revegged them after they started to flower (had some outdoor plants stolen, they left the bottom most branches which I clipped for clones). However if memory serves correct they grew with that weird growth for a while. It will...
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    building new room

    Yes I have the Fox Farm Trio and the Ocean Forest soil they make. However last time I grew I used the same soil and I felt like it needed better drainage. Was considering adding some extra perlite to it to achieve that. I also was considering a few soil amendments such as guano, worm castings...
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    building new room

    Hey I might not have time for a full response i'm on my lunch break. I have a small space I'm going to use to hold small mother plants in veg. I will clip clones and root them right before I harvest my flower room. Then after harvest move rooted clones into the flower room to veg for a short...
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    building new room

    Thanks for the response. After thinking about what you said for a while mainly "why do I want to grow SOG" I think I can finally answer. Basically I had a buddy who grew like that and it just seemed really slick. Really quick turn around time from harvest to flowering again. I think it made an...
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    building new room

    Thanks for the responses. There were a couple reasons I was thinking about the soil beds over individual buckets. I wanted to maximize the amount of root space. Individual buckets even square ones leave lots of unused airspace between them. I haven't thought of the fabric bags though maybe they...
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    building new room

    Hello everyone long time member but I haven't been growing for several years. I finally have time, $ and a place to grow again so I'm going to get back at it. The room is going to be 4ft/10ft with 7 ft ceiling. My plan is to run 2 1000w HPS each one positioned over a 4x4 soil bed. I have access...
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    Need advice for scrogging plan

    I would think 2 inches would be fine for an opening
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    SWAT Team Raids Unarmed Man’s Home and Kills Him Over Two Grams of Pot

    Our liberties are being destroyed at every turn. how much longer will we sit by and let these thugs gun down unarmed innocent people.
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    Hillary Clinton Responds to Legalizing Marijuana

    Hillary is a lying, grimy, dirty piece of elitist crap. All I heard was blah blah blah I'm getting paid more by groups who want it illegal. Let us hope she magically has a heart attack or something and Bernie gets the nomination.
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    Three Teenagers Facing 5 Years In Prison For Being Caught With Marijuana In a State W

    Another detrimental pointless drain on an already overdrained system. Someone needs to throw this prosecutor in jail for 5 years for being a A hole with an apparent complete lack of empathy.