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  1. ob1kinsmokey

    mixing ferts

    yea that seems high. but i agree. if you havent seen any adverse effects yet, they probably are fine with it. i would just def. make sure you are compensating between the two and not mixing 2 full doses of each.
  2. ob1kinsmokey

    harvest but still grow??

    you can reveg yes. there are a couple ways to go about it. one being dont chop all your foliage off. theres a dude on here with an open thread thats fairly big i believe- and its all about reveg. ill see if i can find it, but look around and see if you come up with anything. he came in a couple...
  3. ob1kinsmokey

    Time for flowering??

    you dont want to start train at all during flowering. it will most def. inhibit bud growth. any training and tieing down youll want to do while vegging. and at very latest finish as you start flowering. if you want to low stress train you should do it now and just prolong your veg cycle- if...
  4. ob1kinsmokey

    help! Fungus Gnats

    you can get a fogger from the hydro store. the best way to go if your crop is of nice size. - little pricy 25 bucks but worth it - nothing works as quickly in my opinion, with little effect on the plants. white fly traps will help, as well as dropping your temps, and keeping your humidity...
  5. ob1kinsmokey

    Question about leaves

    i know it is quite amazing. it is even more amazing how individuals of the same strain can be so much different too. one could be hardy and quick, impossible to kill, while the other is slow and stagnent, and bitches about everything you do to it
  6. ob1kinsmokey

    Flowering Question

    of course im high :D im not sure LSt is truely understood then. lst like you said is lst for a reason. the tieing down process is drug out longer and is prety much completely different. with lst you passively knock off an entire side of the bud plant. and the main stem acts as basically...
  7. ob1kinsmokey

    First Time Cloning... Question on leaves

    a clone is a clone :) . im sure you could bring it back to good health. its only as good as its mother and saragat mother ;) (spelling?) def agree to disagree then :)- there is still the nature of things IMO. i have had way more than my share of infestations and have used a wide variety of...
  8. ob1kinsmokey

    CO2 Systems?

    yea but i dont think it would make a noticable difference. if you really wanted to you can buy "co2 tablets" from the hydro store and it releases it slowly over a period of time. you can pump air into your water though that would be beneficial as well. there is a "correct" amount of co2 to...
  9. ob1kinsmokey

    Flowering Question

    LST is exactly how it sounds, so it prolongs the stress over a longer period of time until the stems woods out and it aclimates. this may not be good considering you may want to flower before it has wooded out. and if you flower before it woods out, you may be adding unwanted stress and...
  10. ob1kinsmokey

    Flowering Question

    yes. considering you only have a couple feet, lst, although it might seem good, might not be the ideal way to go. lst is best when once its done your stem woods out. but you will be in such a small space and be flowering faster, so i would suggest just tieing down aka high stress training to...
  11. ob1kinsmokey

    seeds in my pot

    goooooddd sht. i will be most def. be attempting that sin. what if a couple male flowers form- could you just find that first one that popped up, and pretend it was the only one- and just polinate your plant with it (getting rid of all the other flowers)--- hoping it was holding only the...
  12. ob1kinsmokey

    Crushed dead leaf matter.

    haha stoney will save you from yourself man dont worry. def not a problem, i always thought it was good for taste... but who really knows
  13. ob1kinsmokey

    seed question

    pics by chance?
  14. ob1kinsmokey

    Do you look like a stoner?

    hahaha im sure, i wish i could escape it that easily. they are always drug testing me and no one else for some reason...
  15. ob1kinsmokey

    Question about leaves

    no prob, ya win some you loose some haha :)
  16. ob1kinsmokey

    First Time Cloning... Question on leaves

    they can stunt a small plant easily yes. but it is usually the treatments by that plants counterpart that stunt it the most. remember that your problem will not be huge. your plants are not big- your infestation is not big. treating it like so will result in stunted growth, moreso than what...
  17. ob1kinsmokey

    CO2 Systems?

    better than nothing. but know that the intake of co2 through the leaves is what is known as a 'dependent reaction'. in order for them to truely benefit it needs to be at a constant level for a long enough period of time for that individual to get acostomed to it, and therefore use it. it doesnt...
  18. ob1kinsmokey

    she looks young!

    plant a bud seed outside in november and thats what youll get.... dont bust his balls guys.... the point is to encourage on marp we all rock the ganj here :)
  19. ob1kinsmokey


    i think we all do. :D let me know if it doesnt go as planned or if you have ne questions
  20. ob1kinsmokey

    Is this normal??

    the taste will always fluctuate until completely dried out. the point of the jars is to slow down the drying process even more. the jars will bring out the inner moisture within the bud. the outside of the bud will be dry- then as time goes on in the jar the dry outside of the bud will...