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  1. Dr.Drow

    Budmans first go...

    rofl, sounds like me about ten years ago, lol I suggest that you research your newly found hobby and in a few weeks or months when you aquire all the tools and genetics necessary; start an op. Also if I had to pick one person off the forum to take advice from my first pick would 100% be The...
  2. Dr.Drow


    You mean medicated? lol, ofcourse is that not the whole idea. I'd take HPs advice and get some fresh air in there asap
  3. Dr.Drow

    Best Ballast?

    when i got my 600w the local shop suggested digi's use a bit less electric but will not last as long as a good old magnetic. how true this is , I have no idea .
  4. Dr.Drow

    why aren't my buds growing?

    ozzy always has good advice, week 4 buds arent as huge as you may think, most of the weight comes on the last 2 or 3 weeks. training early definetly helps with OG, aside from proper air flow and nutes I always do some topping and super cropping before flowering for max yield. With this strain I...
  5. Dr.Drow

    How long of a shelf life does urine have?

    no idea, i kno they test the temp of the sample as well
  6. Dr.Drow

    Extremely Hot Climates

    definetly a good idea
  7. Dr.Drow

    Light timing

    Running your washing machine for 3 hours costs roughly the same as running a 600 hps all month on 12/12. I try to keep bills low myself, but Id sooner tell the wife to cut back on laundry then to take away light from my girls.
  8. Dr.Drow


    I would never point fans directly on the plants in my experience this can slow the plants growth, I use them to keep air moving throughout the grow space and I would never put it on anything higher than the lowest setting.
  9. Dr.Drow


    yep gotta take time to get to know your girls. Is this soiless or dirt? im soiless and leaf curling problems arise alot due to ph issues, not enough air bubbles is the culprit more often then not.
  10. Dr.Drow

    Extremely Hot Climates

    If your just vegging you should be ok with fans. I cant afford to dedicate an A/C to my grow either so, I just use LED(Advanced LED 180w) to flower during the hot months and I dont have to add any extra a/c's. It does reduce yeild, but its only about 2 months and then I kick the hps back on.
  11. Dr.Drow

    sterile nanners?

    Yea they were nanners,not late flower tho and they easily opened up, and to my surprise contained nothing, lol I shoulda took pics., I choped as soon as I spotted them, there are other girls in the room. maybe they were immature, but I figured it to be about 5 weeks into flower.
  12. Dr.Drow

    sterile nanners?

    is this possible? heard about it on another forum but this month I choped an ogiesel cause of a few visable nanners, then I opened the pods and they are all empty, so.. i just smoked the dried product and ya Im pissed I even got ridda the clones thinking they were herm, ;[
  13. Dr.Drow

    2 Times Successful!

    welcome to MP, the only mmj place to be
  14. Dr.Drow

    How long are seeds viable?

    phew, I have some cup winning beans that are going on about 9months in storage and I was worried they would be harder to pop, Ive never had to wait more than 2 weeks for a bean to pop but Ive never waited 9months to soak a bean either.
  15. Dr.Drow

    White Widow day 53

    Nice find, my favorite smoke [atm] is ogkush/jherer from emerald triangle. i recently popped some ogkush/giesel from caliconnect, but it nannerd so Im poppin some ak/whitewidow from greenhouse that supposedly delivers. ill be trying some TGA PB if it ever gets back in stock.
  16. Dr.Drow

    TGAs Plush Berry

    Although Ive been wanting to, I havent got to try any TGA gear. Ive been on a kush kick lately so now that subcools got some kush I guess its time to invest.
  17. Dr.Drow

    Won't go see the Dr. again...

    dude that sucks, i hate hearing stories like this, did they even offer stealth delivery? or was it just a bag of beans?.recieving in breeder packs is nice for peace of mind, but i think it may be riskier as its harder to stealth. I never order more than 10 beans at once just incase somthing like...
  18. Dr.Drow

    shaded buds

    Buds don't necessarily need light , although the leaves definetly do. I've staggered harvest off a single photo sensitive strain by cutting a few mature buds 2weeks before actual harvest, but never an auto, don't think it works well as autos are sensitive to stress during flowering, so it may...
  19. Dr.Drow

    LET ME KNOW BY TONIGHT PLZ Should I harvest now??

    Still looks like she's growing strong, has she dropped any yellow leaves yet? If not I'd let her go another week or two with very minimal nutes. She should taste better, be more potent and might get some more weight too.
  20. Dr.Drow

    First day of Flower...

    Dont know about stress, but I do this with my JH crosses otherwise they would be yellowed out by week 4. . 1st week full veg nutes. 2nd week full veg+half bloom nutes. 3rd week half veg+full bloom nutes 4th-8th week full bloom nutes. I'm soiless and use organics so its hard to burn them, I...