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  1. natorious

    Can I sample a 5 week flowering bud freshly picked?

    Smoke It!!! Unless You Take A Really Big Piece It Will Be Fine. Microwave It 10 Seconds At A Time Until Its Dry. It Will Give You A Hint Of How It Is. Good Luck
  2. natorious

    New to the game

    I'd have to go with O.G. Kush if I were a rapper. It sounds gangster to me.
  3. natorious

    Yellow/brown leaves all over all plants. No one has been able to help yet!

    If it were too much ferts then all the tips would be yellowing also. I'd definitely get a bigger pot A.S.A.P. Your soil looks pretty dry too. Good luck
  4. natorious

    Chainsaw Verse Mountain Lion

    I would have trapped him in my car with treats. You'd be the coolest guy ever riding around with a real lion.
  5. natorious

    Easy Way to Quick Dry Bud

    The best method is to put what you want dry on a paper towel and put it in the microwave for 10 seconds at a time. After each 10 seconds take it out and let it cool out side the microwave for 30 seconds. Do it 3 to 6 times. 10 in 30 out. It doesn't stink hardly and its super quick. Good luck
  6. natorious


    I've failed many, many drug tests by trying pills, detox drinks, drinking bleach, pickle juice, i tried everything. Nothing works permanently! The only products that work will only clean (mask) your system for up to 12 hours. But not always. I spent lots of $$$ to get the best ones and I've had...
  7. natorious

    kush marijuana bill

    These guys take their xanex and point their finger at marijuana. They're uneducated in the matter and their board.
  8. natorious

    First Time Grow Needs Help

    I have 9 plants and i bring them in every night. It sucks! I wouldn't even attempt 25. And 4 to 5 foot each? That means at least 45 pounds of dirt, a piece. GO FOR THE GOLD! Good luck
  9. natorious

    Best chance at getting a dry lb. HELP PLEASE!

    If ALL 17 plants are females, have no problems with light, growth, ect. You could get a pound for sure. GO FOR THE GOLD! Good luck.
  10. natorious

    How did your parents find out you toked.

    My dad caught me pinching his stash.There was no lying about it......HE WHIPPED MY ***!!!
  11. natorious

    HELP! Plant dying from middle up!

    There's a forum only for non mj plants.
  12. natorious

    Measure Equivalents and Weights

    quarter pound is 112 grams, half is 224, and a full pound is 448. just sayin
  13. natorious

    "Prince of Pot" says good-bye to Canada

    I still say good job for putting himself out there instead of us.
  14. natorious

    shoots rnt growing...

    DON'T CLIP ANY MORE!! Leave them alone! And the purple stems means its too cold. Turn down the A.C.
  15. natorious

    Biggest plant of the year contest

  16. natorious

    Tempatures and color

    i bring my plants in every night because of deer and mine are all purple.its because of the cold temps in my house. its ok though cuz their still buddin fine. good luck
  17. natorious

    Name this deficiency!

    i just had the same thing happening on an outside plant but when it started to flower it stopped. Now its fine. Might be genetics like you said.
  18. natorious

    Huge plant outdoors

    My outside plants get brought in two hours before sun down everyday and stuck in a closet until morning. I live in florida also and there's no way I could wait out such a long season. But if you do your plant will be ENORMOUS! Good luck.
  19. natorious

    Freaking out Smoking?

    Its too good of weed for a beginner is what it sounds like to me. I'd love to lose my mind like that!
  20. natorious

    Help! Someone's eating my plant!!!

    Did someone say monkeys!? hmmm i dunno but grasshoppers can eat a load of leaves. I haven't found anything to get rid of them so i just have to plant enough for the grasshoppers to have some too. GOOD LUCK