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  1. CokeMan

    Making edible capsules, round 2

    I'm going to buy everything I need you know up until about a year ago I did smoke swear nothing something switched in me and I've been growing just 1 plant but I find it therapeutic so I'm going to buy a tent set up and hopefully in time I'll have half an idea what I'm doing I'd really like to...
  2. CokeMan

    New member

    You really got all my good fetches with this picture you sir are a true artist
  3. CokeMan

    Making edible capsules, round 2

    Cheers, heaps, mate I'm glad you said use oil because I can't stomach butter I really don't envy your weekend you might need to cook up a storm with your oil that'll slow them down just kidding I've done a lot of reading but I know I haven't even scratched the surface thanks again
  4. CokeMan

    Making edible capsules, round 2

    This is awesome info thanks heaps but you don't understand how clueless I am so can you please tell me what 1/3 c is when and how do I add my buds in do I cook raw bud or finely chop it up sorry for my lack of knowledge I'll wise up in time
  5. CokeMan

    New member

    G'day from beautiful Australia ladies and gentlemen thanks for the quick approval I'm a novice at it all but just starting my growing journey in my 50 I'd like to learn how to make edible also so any hits tips cheats or even idiots guides for all of the above I'd really appreciate it so thanks...
  6. CokeMan

    Making edible capsules, round 2

    Thanks for the approval all I'll try to not break anything i was wondering if there is a link or even ("an idiots guide to making capsules") or if someone has a couple of recipes to make decent cookies I'd really appreciate it an thanks in advance from your brother from Down Under were dope is...