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  1. SherwoodForest

    Auto Poison Dwarf grown in greenhouse

    Update, today marks day 30 of the autos. I have 3 budding females and they look good, albeit small. I think the autos need more light than they are getting in the greenhouse because ones I've seen grown indoors are much bigger by this age. No biggie, they are an experiment by my standards...
  2. SherwoodForest

    Dinafem Seedbank From Spain?

    I' gonna start my Roadrunner tonight, I will include it's progress in my auto journal.:)
  3. SherwoodForest


    Looks deelish!:hubba:
  4. SherwoodForest

    Police stumble on 'marijuana forest' around caravan in Kfar Malal

    Sheesh, I am glad that the post mentioned Isreal. I hate stories that tell about where things took place by saying just the local names. It's like college football, you have all these teams with names like Auburn, Rutgers, Ball State, Clemson or Notre Dame. I have seen and heard of them for...
  5. SherwoodForest

    2nd Grow with 1 of the "best", and one of the "oldest"

    You got me drooling.:joint:
  6. SherwoodForest

    Biggest plant of the year contest

    Yes maam, 3 catagories. That doesn't mean 1 person won't take the championship though.;)
  7. SherwoodForest

    WW trich pics at 69 days

    I'll add my 2 cents and suggest that drying has everything to do with potency. Curing is more of a taste thing, but drying will have a big affect on how stoney the bud is. For years I have been under the impression that if the thc molecule is surrounded by 2 molecules of H2O or more, the potency...
  8. SherwoodForest

    green lil worms

    IME green worms are moth and butterfly larva. They will hatch and eat the buds from the inside out. I used to spray the plants during vegitative state with bug killers, then hand pluck the worms out during budding. It's satisfying to squeeze the worms and pop them with your fingers, then after a...
  9. SherwoodForest

    Biggest plant of the year contest

    New catagory will be overall circumfrence, this can be measured with a tape, or how ever many people it takes to surround the bush while holding hands.:D And no midgets or childrens hands like a commercial for Subway samwiches.:)
  10. SherwoodForest

    My greenhouse grow

    Fix the xx's it's because we can't link directly on this forum.;)
  11. SherwoodForest

    My greenhouse grow

    I never grew in the ground in the greenhouse, it's floor is lined to keep bugs and stuff out. Maybe Hippy in England can shed some light on that question. hxxp://
  12. SherwoodForest

    Attitude goofed in my favor!

    I have no clue, I ordered 24 dollar seeds. But it is common for some strains to be expensive. And I saw your post reguarding the descriptions on Attitudes site, well here is the description for these, seems better than most descriptions. Brazilian and South Indian: Sativa/Indica 60/40 Indoor...
  13. SherwoodForest

    Attitude goofed in my favor!

    I had ordered some low cost beans from De Shamaan seeds and recieved the high end beans instead. I was suposed to get 2 packs of 12 beans of widow skunk, costing 24 bucks a pack. Instead I got 2 packs of 12 beans of White Widow that cost over 100 bucks a pack!:D
  14. SherwoodForest

    Vacation tale of woe

    My suggestion is you forget all about retribution and vacations. I don't leave my house for more than a couple hours during the season, and after harvest I vacation my tail off.;)
  15. SherwoodForest

    My greenhouse grow

    The plastic is opaque(not clear) and is solid with no holes. The greenhouse gets mad hot unless I leave the door ajar(slightly open). I do plan to grow some plants out in there, but the bigger ones are suffering right now because I took the shade cloth material off the top of the greenhouse a...
  16. SherwoodForest

    Congratulations pcduck June's MVP.

    Way to go man, you definetly have your ducks in a row.:)
  17. SherwoodForest

    What else has everyone got growing?

    For vegies I have a bunch of stuff. Yellow squash,zucchini, pole beans, bush beans, brocoli, peppers, corn, tomatoes, lettuce. Fruit trees are apples, pears, peaches. Also have some grape vines, peppermint and spearimint. Flowers are to numerous to count, but of course roses and daisies, and...
  18. SherwoodForest

    What auto parents would you pick?

    Call me the odd ball but I am trying the Poison Dwarf autos because they were the cheapest. I just collected pollen today from the best male. I also have a Quicksilver auto and a Roadrunner auto on the way. So far very little is known of these, I plan to give a report when it's done though.;)
  19. SherwoodForest

    Sweet Win!

    Sounds addictive, I'd be on there at 2am trying to outbid the world.:D
  20. SherwoodForest

    new here this is my grow

    Looks like your going for broke there man, I wish you lots of luck. I just look at those pics and think you have an awefull lot of plants for a backyard grow. Especially when you are so close to a neighbors house, or so it appears. Also, is that passion fruit your growing on those walls? I used...