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  1. SherwoodForest

    Auto Poison Dwarf grown in greenhouse

    Here is a pic of the better female auto poison dwarf. This plant is covered in resin, but small. If it was grown properly indoors I can see this being some strong weed.
  2. SherwoodForest

    Biggest plant of the year contest

    A couple of update pics from today. Major size and bushyness going on, I'm thinking 3 pounds on the one plant, maybe more!
  3. SherwoodForest

    Should I harvest now?

    I'm gonna say it's heat that has started to make the hairs turn. They are very fine and can be damaged easily. You might wanna try a light shade cloth to cover her in the hottest times of day.
  4. SherwoodForest

    Tea, post up the best

    I love tea, fresh brewed, iced, sweetened, whatever. And I get different brands but like Liptons pretty well. My Brit buddy loves him some PG Tips from England and turned me on to some, two stirs forward, 3 stirs back, ahh!.:D So if you fancy a cuppa, let me know what you prefer.
  5. SherwoodForest

    Yield #? 1k HPS Twelve AK-47 Plants? HELP!!!!

    According to my rough calculations your exact yield will be a fat sack of crippler.:)
  6. SherwoodForest

    Biggest plant of the year contest

    Wicked man, wicked! I have a few giant plants but have just decided that I am going to grow nothing but name brand weed next time. I mean lets face it, a big plant is cool, a huge plant is sweet, but a huge sweet plant of killer dankasourus is the shiznit! My 6 foot tall Thai super skunk and the...
  7. SherwoodForest

    Apple approves iPhone marijuana app on medical grounds

    I guess I sounded like a bitter old fart, truth is I would like an Iphone, it's just that change is so scary.:D
  8. SherwoodForest

    Auto Poison Dwarf grown in greenhouse

    Yea I love the idea of early bud, but 5 inches per plant is comical. I have the Qicksilver outside in the ground now, it's about a foot tall. And I just started my Roadrunner, it looks good so far. But I have his one plant that is from a pack of KC Brains seeds, it is 3 feet tall and budding...
  9. SherwoodForest

    What the hell happened

    Yea sure, importing bud to your bowl and exporting smoke to your brain.:joint:
  10. SherwoodForest

    What the hell happened

    I get a kick every time I see someone refer to him as "Art".:D As if his real name is Art Vandolay, and I suppose he's in latex too.:D
  11. SherwoodForest

    Auto Poison Dwarf grown in greenhouse

    Day 43,well shoot, I have only 2 females left. The heat got to them and caused issues. The good one is looking real nice though with a single main cola about 5 inches long. It is super crystaly looking and smells great. Pics shortly.:)
  12. SherwoodForest

    Dubba picks a patch of non pickeled peppers.

    You forgot the Lil' Smokeys, but that's how I make them too. Love the turds!:D
  13. SherwoodForest

    Biggest plant of the year contest

    That's a tallplant, looks like the stems are dark, interesting. I am certain it will end up much taller because once it buds it will get a couple more feet ime.
  14. SherwoodForest

    pot's for pot

    I find that pots generally are not sized correctly. A 1 gallon plant pot isn't even close to being one gallon. And these so called 5 gallon pots are more like 3 gallons. Just something to consider when your told to use a "1 gallon pot", you might not be using a pot that is big enough.;)
  15. SherwoodForest

    Apple approves iPhone marijuana app on medical grounds

    Whatever, why do phones need to do anything more than make phone calls? I'll be happy when the manafacturers stop all these stupid apps and make a phone that gets great reception. That used to be the main focus and the biggest reason to buy a phone, the reception and range capabilities. Instead...
  16. SherwoodForest

    Nirvana banner

    I want to know if anyone here has ordered from them. I asked in a simular post about how safe it is ordering from Holland because I was told it's a red flag to the customs agents. The respon ce was that many have ordered from them, which I don't see any evidence of, at least on this site. I...
  17. SherwoodForest

    Biggest plant of the year contest

    I've been thking that after we grow the freebies our pics and descriptions of the fruit will be good info for the breeders and bean sellers.
  18. SherwoodForest

    Pine tree smell and taste?

    I miss the good old pine tree tasteing weed. Who can suggest a strain that will fill those needs? I mentioned Fallbrook weed before but nobody responded, it was some very pine stuff.
  19. SherwoodForest

    Richmond’s electrical inspections going back on, program sniffs out grow-ops

    One cop car in the neighborhood would do nothing to stop some growers from getting psyco. We here are nice easy going growers but there are mean crazy growers with bad attitudes and serious fire power. I know I wouldn't want to be one of these firemen searching a gang run grow house.