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  1. SherwoodForest

    can't find info on making dwc

    How in the world is that post not a stickey yet? Awesome stuff, YOU just opened my eyes big time to the whole shabang.
  2. SherwoodForest

    can't find info on making dwc

    Cool, that looks good. You saved me from searching all day again, I appreciate that.
  3. SherwoodForest

    can't find info on making dwc

    Where is the how to make a dwc system post? Every time I search dwc it tells me the term is too common and shows zero results. Shouldn't there be a sticky on how to make these things? I'm ready to buy the components but can't find a list of what I need and how to build them.
  4. SherwoodForest

    The Attitude Is **!!!!

    Haha! It's easy to say that after you get the beans with no troubles. I'm actually glad this post did get blown this big because now I know how to handle the problem next time I get crushed beans. My only wish is that someone from Attitude themselves would come here and be a member that could...
  5. SherwoodForest

    Any Electicans Around. PEASE HELP!!!

    It's so he has several conveenient(sp?) places to take juice from, code is nice but I doubt he will be calling an inspector to get the job sighned off.:D I'm surprised to see the need for 20 amp 220 volt outlets, it's not a very commonly used plug. I guess the ballasts are 20 amp 220 units. A...
  6. SherwoodForest

    Any Electicans Around. PEASE HELP!!!

    Ok cool, he has the incoming feed done right then. I know what you mean about the 3 wire plugs,woo, see what a few good bong tokes does to a guy.:joint: Fun room, nice to see a big grow.
  7. SherwoodForest

    Any Electicans Around. PEASE HELP!!!

    Like this. hxxp://
  8. SherwoodForest

    Any Electicans Around. PEASE HELP!!! See the big lugs? Two are the hots, and the big lug on the nuetral buss bar is for the white. That's what the incoming wire feed attaches to from a breaker in the main panel. Then you run 220 and 110 off the...
  9. SherwoodForest

    Any Electicans Around. PEASE HELP!!!

    I think I see another major nono. The wire that feeds electricity into that box DOES NOT FEED INTO A BREAKER!!! It is attached to the main buss bars where the two lugs are. Use the red and the black, then attach the white to the main lug on the nuetral buss bar. You are feeding voltage backwards...
  10. SherwoodForest

    Any Electicans Around. PEASE HELP!!!

    It's not right. It will work, but it's a hazard. 220 is 2 hots (the black and the red wire) a nuetral (the white wire) and the ground wire. You cut the red wire off and capped it, it should be your hot and the big white is used for a neutral. Using the unshielded ground wire as your nuetral on a...
  11. SherwoodForest

    fan search

    What size are you looking for? The bigger ones I find are close to 200 bucks.
  12. SherwoodForest

    Just a new build

    Right on, that's going to be no problem. I've decided to intake fresh air from the garage, I'm going to install a typical looking intake vent with a replaceable filter like the ac uses. Then the exhaust can go into the water closet and outside. Back to the water basin, I want a table high large...
  13. SherwoodForest

    The TGA Strain Guide

    WOW! I'm inspired now, lets see if my TGA beans will do that too, God love you Subcool!:)
  14. SherwoodForest

    The TGA Strain Guide

    I'm loving the outdoor pics! Huge plants of killer weed is what interests me. Any idea how much the outdoor Jack the Ripper plant yielded?
  15. SherwoodForest

    Just a new build

    I just ordered a 6" inline fan, it's not the best size for the room though. The room in total is like 800 cubic feet, and the fan is like 450 per minute. I wonder if you guys think that isn't good enough? The room is big and I have only one light of 1000 watts. I also got a fan control that...
  16. SherwoodForest

    Ac Cooling 3400 Watts Over 3 Trays With C02

    I'm ready to hear more, looks like a good grow.
  17. SherwoodForest

    My Grow (SOG,DWC,DIY ferts)

    Looks good, keep up the good work.
  18. SherwoodForest

    Just a new build

    I started cleaning the room and took a few pics to show what I have. The water in the room is two copper pipes coming in hot and cold, and a drain right next to them on the wall. It is meant for a wash basin, does anyone like the idea of a wash basin in the room? If so, should I get the standard...
  19. SherwoodForest

    traggedy in the tent

    You need to research the stuff, it has a very high melting point and is used because of it's great cunductive properties. As I said, I used it to repair a 3000 dollar tv, using advice from the internet that hundreds of people use, it's the right stuff.
  20. SherwoodForest

    problems with PeakseedsBC????

    I like the post because if your like me, you post something negative and blammo your order arrives the next day.:o Good luck.