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  1. Sweetmansticky

    What can be done?

    Wet it up but not too much and cross ur fingers!!
  2. Sweetmansticky

    AUTOfem cropical fruit journal

    Lookin good Jonny
  3. Sweetmansticky

    Some advice needed

    Was that a typo bozzo or do you really have an army of ladybirds??
  4. Sweetmansticky

    The Dr's Office

    Woo hoo
  5. Sweetmansticky

    spider mite treatment in flower?

    Think umbras on the ball
  6. Sweetmansticky

    Some advice needed

    Looks like a bug oh some sort that's the holes , have you seen any uglies? ( bugs)
  7. Sweetmansticky

    spider mite treatment in flower?

    Dunno hopper just says 99% organic 1% inert material
  8. Sweetmansticky

    Home of the Old Fart's Club

    Delighted for you bozzo!!
  9. Sweetmansticky

    Cutting with good genes

    Weed hopper pm me please when you get a chance please Ta
  10. Sweetmansticky

    Real test.

    Do it you'll never look back I own 3 at this stage!!
  11. Sweetmansticky

    Real test.

    Exactly what dgf said
  12. Sweetmansticky

    Real test.

    Nice I'm dirt I did hydro once enjoyed it and went aero but I've no room for that at the min, but it shall rise again soon I hope
  13. Sweetmansticky

    Real test.

    Easy dgf , hydros not for everyone starting out haha! But seriously if you input all dgf is a skin your gonna get the best advice around!
  14. Sweetmansticky

    Cheese auto

    Yours are lovly too. That led must get far more penetration than my hps
  15. Sweetmansticky

    Home of the Old Fart's Club

    Me too keef but it's fine , all my friends will be there , and I'm sure we could work together to harness the fire and brimstone into light and a grow medium for some bat outta hell sheet
  16. Sweetmansticky

    Spider Mites?

    Yummy! Show us the good and the bad tomorrow? Everybody loves a trich or 2......... Thousand
  17. Sweetmansticky

    Home of the Old Fart's Club

    Hahaha or do people that know them since they're young say "I remember when you were this tall" ?
  18. Sweetmansticky

    Home of the Old Fart's Club

    Oh and I finished at 55 past the hour it took 3 mins to upload!!
  19. Sweetmansticky

    Home of the Old Fart's Club

    Haha I've been practicing! I love the rolls you can suit the joint to the needs of the moment, smoking with you legends warrants a big un! I'll post a pic the next time I do the sticky subway footlong!!
  20. Sweetmansticky

    Home of the Old Fart's Club

    Ok I'm in