I'm not near a breeder either .... Yet. But I tinker and try things so I'm educating myself .
Shower sounds like a good idea . Does pollinating prefliwers work???
Leave you'd be intrested in joining a breeders club to exchange ' knowledge ' and stuff . 1little wrap of viable pollen would go a long long way. Hypothetically speaking of course . I'm talkin perfect situation where were all In A green state!
Mind you about 6 months ago it went into a 1 l pot from an 0.25 seedling pot that it was completely root bound and nearl killing itself but it's happy as a nurse og Larry now!!
It's a year and a half at least old fogey, I've made about 100 clones off it, look at post13 or 14 of my random pics thread in marijuana photograph sub forum. Low battery so can't open multiple windows to get you a link . and the big girl came from this little plant.