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  1. JustAnotherAntMarching

    defoliation link- impressive results

    thanks Rosie... Ill be sure to get a nice pic before these ladies come down for BPOTM... they have a couple weeks left and those pics under the HPS are crappy...
  2. JustAnotherAntMarching

    defoliation link- impressive results

    LOL :lama: YEEEEHAAAA!!! :lama: how does santa make it down the chimney with such big sacks of nug? thanks bro :48:
  3. JustAnotherAntMarching

    defoliation link- impressive results

    If you do it right you should get something like this.... pic 1 pretrim/defoliation pic 2 post trim/def pic 3-5 tent @ 6weeks :48: IME this tech def works best on thick leaved Indica leaning strains... my sativa leaning ladies need far less leaves removed...
  4. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Hello Dman here

    What up D? :48:
  5. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Back at it. Fall 2016/Winter 2017 Grow

    Hope all is well mang... Mojo for the beaners.... :48: guess I should have went to page 2 before I replied... lol
  6. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Wow, spam bot got us. LOL

    Anybody know where I can get a Jets jersey?? :48:
  7. JustAnotherAntMarching


    LOL I would appreciate if you don't bash breeders for something you cant even post a pic of... lets see who gets what they want first...? :48:
  8. JustAnotherAntMarching


    Are you confused? the last part of your first paragraph says " it is not TMV" but then first part of paragraph 4 you say "I am freaked out in that I brought a virus into my home. I feel like I have been raped and my home violated." Well which is it??? you talk in circles and that makes...
  9. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Toacco Mosaic Virus!

    blah blah blah... still lost I see...
  10. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Jack the Giant Cloner - Cloning from the top down

    them nuggies look good from my seat Hacker... :48: easiest way to rid yourself of the gnats is mosquito bits... not the dunks... you need to put the bits into water for 24-48 hours then ph & water all pots... the bits will...
  11. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Toacco Mosaic Virus!

    Still no pics...? but still plenty more Cali/BOG bashing..? don't take this the wrong way but have you had successful runs in the past? what kind of medium do you use? nutes? ph? lighting? its kinda hard to just "believe" your words... but you know what they say about pictures right...
  12. JustAnotherAntMarching

    For old times sake!

    What up Art??? :48:
  13. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Toacco Mosaic Virus!

    Wow... Its really funny that you think getting your seeds from California is the problem... no chance of growers error huh?? just blame the breeder or a mystery virus... that's funny... not one pic of the issues either..? Then you throw sh*t all over a breeders name with no proof or...
  14. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Toacco Mosaic Virus!

    WOW where do I start? 1. If the seeds sprouted and grew then what does the breeder have to do with any of your issues??? You are responsible for their care once they sprout. 2. what is OGS seeds??? never even heard of that place...? How is their reputation? 3. How does a breeder...
  15. JustAnotherAntMarching


    No we have not seen blue rusty leaves... take some pics and post them up...
  16. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Purple Raccoon Vapors / Seedless Collab Dab Mats

    Hey THG not bad... how you liking the move?? I'm sure your loving it... :48: if you like the mat thacheese is the dude to talk to... hes on here every now and then...
  17. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Rosebud does 2016!

    sure did Rosie...:vap-leafy_wave: they look very happy in their new home... wait til you get to taste them... mmm mm :48:
  18. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Rosebud does 2016!

    Woohoo those ladies are gonna do great out in the sun... :48:
  19. JustAnotherAntMarching

    Purple Raccoon Vapors / Seedless Collab Dab Mats

    Limited Edition Purple Raccoon Vapors / Seedless Collaboration Dab Mat ONLY 100 MADE... whatcha think? :48: :vap_smiley: