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  1. GuyGalaxy

    Small Brown Spots 4Wks in Bloom... Help

    So it simply depends what you start at. So if I start at 2 ts/gal. 50% solution is then 1 ts/gal. So 50 and 75 are irrelevant unless we know where he started?
  2. GuyGalaxy

    Small Brown Spots 4Wks in Bloom... Help

    What do you mean 75% strength vs 50%? My charts are 1 to 3 teaspoon per gallon?
  3. GuyGalaxy

    Mutant Plant first leafs then top?

    Such a lovely thought thanks
  4. GuyGalaxy

    Mutant Plant first leafs then top?

    Actually I think it is And reeally taking off
  5. GuyGalaxy

    Mutant Plant first leafs then top?

    You were correct the 'top' was a cluster f of leaves. Should I clip those huge deformed leaves or not? Any aid is appreciated.
  6. GuyGalaxy

    HYDROPONICS : Getting Rid Of Slimy Roots

    How do you transfer the plant without killing it, while you are cleaning the basket and tank?
  7. GuyGalaxy

    Mutant Plant first leafs then top?

    24 hr light since beginning. This thing took forever and had largest round leafs i have seen anywhere. The next 2 i tried had second leafs after 6 hours. It is just the strangest plant I have ever seen (on web no personal experience). There are white hairs they can't be seen in pic. This...
  8. GuyGalaxy

    Mutant Plant first leafs then top?

    First time grower. My plant had a bad start. Didn't put air stone on and after start leafs the bubbler left the plant floating (2 hours tops). Week later the First leaf came in (only one) and it got huge fast (looks like an oak leaf) four days later the second first leaf came in at right angle...