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  1. C


    From what I heard last night..... yea, it would 5 growing per household I could be wrong..... But it would be an open season to basically grow yer own..... From what I know of Ohio Laws..... yer still still not allowed.... Gotta go thru dispenseraies and the like..... But give me a lil...
  2. C

    Should the fan leaves be trimmed now or best let them alone for now, I apologize if I've posted this wrong in anyway I'm a new member and new at posti

    No not really...... I just used to grow a little differently form others....... I dont trim those fans till they start wilting on their own...... I want that base of the plant to get every bit of energy it can....... So when it starts resprouting..... it comes back vigourous'
  3. C


    Why I was trying to log on again....... last night.... heard the news about the rec bill going thru the state house last night and was like WTF!!!!! and the self cultivation up to 5 plants..... which is better than Ohio..... I know under six was always a misdameanor here in the bluegrass...
  4. C


    So My home state of KY finally went medical as of the first of the year....... and Recreational is now in the discussion....... and self cultivation up to 5 plants....... How would you work this to stay legal?????? One mother and clone Or should i go back to my goto...... find...
  5. C

    Should the fan leaves be trimmed now or best let them alone for now, I apologize if I've posted this wrong in anyway I'm a new member and new at posti

    Leave the fans on as long as possible........ They are the solar panels for your plant.......