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  1. Automaticmike

    T5 tube lights?

    It is possible to grow marijuana indoors using fluorescent lights and produce an excellent, mature potent crop. All you have to do is understand the life cycles of the plant and mimic the environment marijuana is most suitable to. Mimic means to emulate, not necessarily re-create, so, close is...
  2. Automaticmike

    T5 tube lights?

    LeT me try and dig up some info to get to you and give you a visual of another bulb I've found.
  3. Automaticmike

    T5 tube lights?

    Hi there, I am new here but I am focusing all my efforts to get a flouresent garden up and going in a small closet. What I plan to do is have a series of T5's and a few regular 40w bulbs just to mix it up. I am going for low cost, low energy, high yeild. I am thinking a series on the wall and...
  4. Automaticmike

    the right purchase of seeds

    Hello, I am a first time poster long time CONNOISSEUR. I have been doing my research in regard to setting up a small closet garden using flouresents. The time is getting closer and I need to make an educated decision on where to purchase seeds from. Well I know where I can get...