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  1. Elephant Man

    Harvesting Marijuana! When To Harvest Your Marijuana Crop

    From Overgrow's FAQ'S When to harvest your trichomes There are several schools of thought as to when it is the time to harvest. I shall attempt to explain how you can determine the harvesting time that will produce the most favorable psychoactive effect for your individual preferences. We...
  2. Elephant Man

    new address for navy sunrise/sunset times

    See a graph of sunrise, sunset and daylight times for a particular location. hxxp:// (Edit by Stoney Bud: Here's another link to the Hours of Daylight in any place in the world on any day and year) hxxp://
  3. Elephant Man

    Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt

    This Cherry Malawi was left in a 4 inch pot for fun, just to show peeps you do not need a special strain to grow little plants. Limit root zone and flower from seed. About halfway for this one. Hmmmm, wonder how many of these will fit under 400.:rolleyes:
  4. Elephant Man

    my sick plants

    Looks like overfeeding, but who knows...we need more info...look at this:
  5. Elephant Man

    Feeding bacteria in soil (eman?)

    Just use an unrefined sugar, like pure cane or that health food store stuff...I like molasses because I can't get enough K late in flower...but that is just my preference.
  6. Elephant Man

    Feeding bacteria in soil (eman?)

    Molasses adds N, K, micros and addition to feeding your soillife. More info here:
  7. Elephant Man

    How do you get these results?!?!

    That is Santa Maria done by 'SpeesCees'.
  8. Elephant Man

    Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt

    Thanks guys.:aok: The mold thing was a simple mistake...completely rediculous and nearly impossible to have mold here in the desert, it was a simple curing blunder. My buddy Fing helped me sort that one out...truth is, the bag and jar method of curing is just a fast way around the proper...
  9. Elephant Man

    Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt

    Well...some of you may remember I messed around with SOG clones. Finally harvest day for one of the little ones. JHxO clone with a few days veg and a handful of dirt and poop in a 4 inch pot.:cool:
  10. Elephant Man

    Feeding bacteria in soil (eman?)

    Whoops...stoned...hehe. Actually I have heard of using fruit juice...just watch your ph. Citric acid is an excellent safe source for ph down so I'm guessing citrus juice might be better. Oh yeah, I learned pretty fast you can over do it on innoculants, so follow instructions on your...
  11. Elephant Man

    Feeding bacteria in soil (eman?)

    I have heard that raw cane sugar, and maple syrup will work too. I believe it is simple sugars they want...I forget, basically carbon...but many eat all kinds of things...they love minerals too. Basically whatever form of sugar you use, you want as unrefined as possible. Stay away from ones...
  12. Elephant Man

    Why hermophidites?

    Purple Afghani? feel your pain....if I had enough space, like a lot of land available, I would conisider isolating a few fems...far away from your new crop. If you really wanted, you could reverse those traits....but it would take alot of isolated plants, and a few years probably...
  13. Elephant Man

    Liquid Ferts Or Dry Ferts

    I'm basically just going to put the response to your pm here also, so all can see.:aok: To grow outdoor unattended, I would probably veg a month or 2 indoor in FF 'ocean forest'. When you transplant to flower, just add a bag of the red FF 'planting mix', or some earthworm casings, guano...
  14. Elephant Man

    Kindphriend Grow Journal

    Nice bushy monsters! I see a calyx on the opposite side of the leaves on the 'mutant' that the tryploid? I fear feminized seed but I make my own seed so I keep males...unstable crosses can create lots of weird stuff...sometimes it can turn out special though. Anyway just popped in...
  15. Elephant Man

    pepsi mini fridge grow box

    Cool:cool:...sounds like fun. I can't wait to see pics of this thing, I would have grabbed that too...fer sure! I look forward to throwing ideas around with you on conversion if you like.
  16. Elephant Man

    offgrid's first grow attempt

    Wow Offgrid...she looks REALLY good. Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while, been really busy. I saw what looked like a little calcium deficiency a few posts back, but she looks really good now.:aok: Week 3 will be fun, she is gonna start fattening up. Week 4 sometimes seems like a lull...
  17. Elephant Man

    Liquid Ferts Or Dry Ferts

    Almost anything will is just that most ferts are based on indoor containers and such...these work excellent but cost alot. I grow indoor and use mostly boxed dry ferts, but only because manure and such can increase problems indoor. Growing outdoor has many of the...
  18. Elephant Man

    Anyone have any suggestions on good seeds?

    Right now I am growing 2x K2 hybrids that are doing really well, still vegging though...but yes Brouli, I would say much easier White Widow (not too nute tolerant). And yes to the other question, not only do all these strains taste and smell different....but have very...
  19. Elephant Man

    Anyone have any suggestions on good seeds?

    Personally, for a first timer, I would look into a 'mixed bag' to learn with. You can often find bags with 10-20 seeds of 5 mixed strains cheaper. Chances are, you will like one of these strains...and one of them will surely like you (easy to grow). I ordered almost all indica dominants my...
  20. Elephant Man

    Liquid Ferts Or Dry Ferts

    Well...outdoor? Honestly, I would look into things like steer, chicken manure...earthworm castings, kelp meal, lime...from your local nursery. Even easier way would be to pick up a few bags and mix them...mushroom compost, humus, potting soil, planting soil, topsoil, perlite. Let me know...