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  1. Elephant Man

    Flavor and aroma...

    I thought this might help some with their smoke reports...the majority of this was a 'copy and paste' from another forum. Thank you 'Zeppelindood' :aok: , this information is invaluable to me right now. Readers of this glossary will need to know that experienced tokers notes include a...
  2. Elephant Man

    I want to buy some mean pipes, any sites you guys know?

    Sure LL, post away.:D Sorry, just a pack of zigzags here.:cool:
  3. Elephant Man

    Hello From Canada lll+lll

    Welcome to MP.:cool: No need to have your own thread made for you here, post away, upload pics, have a good time. :D Ladies look great :aok: I am especially liking those 2 on the right.;) Looking forward to seeing your grow.
  4. Elephant Man

    Head Shop or Head Supplies Links Needed

    Good luck Bubba Bear...I hope your wife is getting the relief she needs.:o Perhaps this place can help... This site looks like it could be useful too.
  5. Elephant Man

    new medical / growing my own......

    Happy to meet you Mappy. Let us know if we can help. :smoke1:
  6. Elephant Man

    Q about a female that has been seeded

    Not necessary to cure seeds...I have even heard of them germing on the plant. I have germed them myself after removing from a live plant...the seeds only need 2-4 weeks to be viable (strain-dependant). Good luck
  7. Elephant Man

    Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt holiday started off crappy. Fems gone male...narcotic smoke... Then as it often does...something special happened. Thanks to a very cool freinds help, I was able to get a mini photo shoot for some prime cured bud, without risking too much.:p ;) :D Thank you, my brother in the...
  8. Elephant Man

    My other Ladies... rosemary

    Cool, very cool...cant wait to see your feild of herbs.:aok: Some veggies do take a long time to germ...monthes even. Good luck bro, and cheers for posting up your progress.
  9. Elephant Man

    Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt

    Swazi Safari (A pheno) is a hermie!:mad: Somehow I got lucky again...everything seeded is done and comes down next week. She was parked in the best corner for it to happen too...gonna spend the rest of the night snooping, but so far...not too much damage. Simply don't have time for this...
  10. Elephant Man

    Morning Star...

    I found 'Dman'. I posted up asking for info, or if this is his cross. I will pm you the link if he responds.
  11. Elephant Man

    Kade's Springtime Grow.

    Exactly:aok:...I think it is AK x C99? Anyway, I couldn't find the 'cage' pic I wanted to post, but I know KADE has access to all those cool fittings...maybe drip the whole thing. Sorry so off topic KADE :o , and of course, not suggesting you change anything...just really wanna see someone...
  12. Elephant Man

    Medical cultivation limits in California?

    Thanks for the link. You can get there from the main page:
  13. Elephant Man

    Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt

    Yeah...I think those that are pushing for yeild should try nearly anything...can't hurt...just make small grow at a time. I push for flavor, and don't push very hard. I try to find the simplest amendments possible...just to give them what they need. Luckily, these are usually...
  14. Elephant Man

    Kade's Springtime Grow. all organic soil here:o , but I have seen a DIY tutorial on one of these things...I would love to see someone with the construction/hydro skills KADE has build one.:cool:
  15. Elephant Man

    Kade's Springtime Grow.

    I'm glad you did another journal KADE, convinced me to do some 360 degree reflection. Circulation will be tough to get it the way I like it, but your pics prove to me it is worth the effort. As always, another amazing grow.:D Some day, I wanna see you do one like this though Aero Lord ;)...
  16. Elephant Man

    Morning Star...

    I like your attitude. I am very new to this too, I dove in as you did only last year. The detailed journals out there are what got me through...please take a peek at mine...I have tried to be as detailed as possible...might want to skip ahead to page 10 or so though.:rolleyes: A few other...
  17. Elephant Man

    Do you get paranoid?

    Might be surprised to see how various strains, harvest times, and curing methods affect you...good reason for me to grow my own. Might try different weed if possible....
  18. Elephant Man

    How's it going , eh ?

    Nice your going to be great to hang out here with.:smoke1:
  19. Elephant Man

    Morning Star...

    My buddy Fing dug this up...I'm guessing you have this crossed with Sensi Star (would explain sativa like bud structure). You may find more info on this 'Dman' dude....good luck. Morning Dew (Dman) Endless Sky X Cinderella 99
  20. Elephant Man

    Morning Star...

    Very nice grow...a first timer? Someone has done the reading.:aok: I like FF products too. I think organics tastes the best and is easiest. I'm asking my freinds about 'morning star'...all I'm getting so far is Sensi Star...which she does resemble...I see sativa bud structure too though...