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  1. Elephant Man

    Inside DLtoker's Room

    Jeez....sorry bro late again.:( Yes...I was recently reading about MJ being an 'accumalative' plant...with high K and maybe P....more on that later. Comfrey is instantly available (been called a 'compost activater in itself) and I want to grow some...but keep it in a bucket...I guess it...
  2. Elephant Man

    Marp Stoney,TBG,Hick,EMan

    We try bro...but were just a bunch of stoners. ;)
  3. Elephant Man

    come chat

    Wow....that was quite a gathering :) ...just wanted to thank you good peeps for listening to me ramble. I look forward to next time...:smoke1:
  4. Elephant Man

    seed production

    The seeds will be viable with no cure. The 'male selection' theory is widely debated, I say just pic one or use several...dunno got a ton of reading there...some say you have to look at the offspring to really choose....that means keeping all the original males:eek: . Best advice I...
  5. Elephant Man

    Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt

    Well....I can't ever give out rep when I want too, but don't worry freinds, an elephant never forgets.:cool: You guys love those dry nug shots don't ya?:D I dunno why I prefer looking at the plants....everyone posts great 'budsite' pics, but I like to look at veggers, leaf pics, root...
  6. Elephant Man

    Organic Ferts?

    Do you plan on trying to reuse your soil? Here's why I ask. I am only on my third time recycling, but I am learning fast. From what I understand, guanos (dry form) and minerals are the slowest of all organic additives to break down. Some actually say they can take 9 months or more (3...
  7. Elephant Man

    Organic Ferts?

    I like should be good to go on the guano after this. I dunno about Advanced Nutes, but I like them...I can tell by your measurements, you have thought this through...I don't see a problem with the mix.:aok: High P guano, right?
  8. Elephant Man

    come chat

    I got a few minutes.... :)
  9. Elephant Man

    16 oz. plastic cup grows

    Well guys and gals, mine's done. Gonna be a hefty yeild... :D Sorry, Eman thinks he is funny tonight...when will this guy learn.:rolleyes: Actually, this is a tiny 'bud on a stick' that was taken at harvet and rooted, it took a long time. She is sitting in a strong veg mix now and...
  10. Elephant Man

    How to work your high.

    I seriously doubt my atmosphere has anything to do with it...never felt any different whether I was alone or in a crowd. I can tell you this though, I have about 7 strains finished now, and I only smoke one. Under one month cure, she could make anyone heart, even nausea...
  11. Elephant Man

    Just dropped by....

    Welcome Erm.:cool: Kick back, light one up and enjoy yourself.:smoke1:
  12. Elephant Man

    Seeding before flowering?

    Works a mint.:aok:
  13. Elephant Man

    how long

    2-4 weeks, it depends on the some point, they may fall off. You can pollenate late in long as a few pistils are white and calyxes are not swelled. Once pollenated, you can even put her back in veg...but your on your own as to how that will workout with lowryder. I...
  14. Elephant Man

    Andrew Zimmern - How Bizzare Food Show

    Cool thread...just wanted to post this link for my Stoney brother... Turducken I'll bring the sativa.:D Bonus link: Cannabis recipes
  15. Elephant Man

    No more room!!

    Good advice kindphreind.:) A little 'neckbreaking' never hurt. Better than heat my opinion.:chuck: Good luck
  16. Elephant Man

    16 oz. plastic cup grows

    Say what? NDS stopping by? Fabulous.:smoke1: Great job everyone.:cool:
  17. Elephant Man

    Would you donate to the site for a Gallery?

    Money?...I am still waiting for the peanuts I was promised.:confused:
  18. Elephant Man

    I´m sorry.

    No worries bro...we are all family. :)
  19. Elephant Man

    Sativa VS Indica all know what I voted for.. ;) I think unless you are a strange one like myself and don't mind waiting 3 months for something exotic to finish flowering, you should look for a happy medium (hybrid). Cheers
  20. Elephant Man

    Flavor and aroma...

    LAVENDER - The taste or aroma of freshly ground lavender. LEAFY - Somewhat analogous to "vegetal". Desirable in minute detectable amounts, if adding to notes of complexity in the bubblehash. Also refers to leaf to calix ratio. LEAN - More body would be good, sort of thin in the mouth...