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  1. B

    Outdoor Requirements

    How big would my plants get if i started germing seeds right now? Would it be worth growing? Thanks BW:tokie:
  2. B

    Outdoor Requirements

    :cool: What's up everyone! Being successful with my first grow has given me some confidence to try an outdoor grow. My friend has a lot of ground in Northern California that is pretty close to a river. The land gets flooded during the winter time by the river water. We want to throw some plants...
  3. B

    What is this?

    Thanks for the advice. Maybe I should feed them every other watering?
  4. B

    What is this?

    I give them a 12 ounce cup of nutrients (mixed in a gallon of water before) and i give them about 1 1/2 (12 ounce red cup) of water every 3-4 days. Is this too much? Should I cut the nutrients back to half strength?:confused:
  5. B

    What is this?

    Thanks for the response. The plant that has the droopy leaves was thought to been underwatered..but I gave it a nice drink and it still looks the same two days later. And it looks like the yellow is starting to take over the whole plant, the the top leaves still green but fading. :eek:
  6. B

    What is this?

    Hey Guys, So I am in week 5 of flowering using B'cuzz nutrient (schedule on back of bottle) and my plants are starting to show some yellow and curved leaves. They all looked great until the beginning of this week. One plant is starting to get yellow leaves that are concerning me quite a bit! Any...
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    Comment My Babes

    It is just some bagseed of supposedly some "afgoo" and they are under a 400 watt hps.
  8. B

    Comment My Babes

    They are 65 days old and 12 days into flowering. I don't really know how many weeks to bud them for, what do you guys think?
  9. B

    Comment My Babes

    Hey Guys, So here are some pics of my two best plants. The shorter plant is 2 feet tall and is 12 days into flowering. For some reason these female is budding fast! The second plant is at 3 feet and is looking strong. Do you think these two will yeild very much? Comments are greatly...
  10. B

    Mites? Sickness? Please help

    I turned my oscilating (sp) fan up one more click to the top knotch..hopefully this works. Know of a cheap fix??? :D
  11. B

    Mites? Sickness? Please help

    Do i need more ventilation for that?
  12. B

    Mites? Sickness? Please help

    So i went and bought a hygrometer, and it says the humdity is 56%. I don't really know if that is bad or good...the temp is 78. My Nute breakdown: I am using b'cuzz nutrients. Every three days i water with full strength nutes. 2Ml-0-2-4 2ml-3-0-3 I use those for soil nutrition. 3/4 tsp...
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    Mites? Sickness? Please help

    :) You sure walmart has them??? Ill go there right now if that's the case!
  14. B

    Mites? Sickness? Please help

    See..that might be my problem. I make sure it doesn't get over 80 Degrees in the grow room, but I don't have anything measuring the humidity. I also only have a 50 cfm fan as an exhaust, but since the temps were around 75-78 i didn't think the humidity would be a huge problem. What would be the...
  15. B

    Mites? Sickness? Please help

    Hey guys, What is going on with my plants? Some are getting yellow/brown spots and some have lower vegetation dying...Please look at these pics at help! Thery are almost one week into flower and i want to take care of things now if i have to! Thanks, Bigweedo
  16. B

    My Closet Grow

    Could someone help me out? PLEASE! Thx:peace:
  17. B

    My Closet Grow

    Hey Guys, Sorry it has taken me so long to post some new stuff. Update: switched my plants over to 12/12 on the 10th. Everything is looking pretty nice, the plants tend to be from 18-24 inches. Issues: I don't know if there is some bug damage, heat damage or nute damage, so i attached some pics...
  18. B

    My Closet Grow

    Anyone think it is a phosphorus def.? :eek:
  19. B

    My Closet Grow

    Anyone know what this problem could be?:confused:
  20. B

    My Closet Grow

    Could this be from the nutrients getting on the leaves? I was watering yesterday and i might have gotten some on there. Could it be humidity problems? Here are the pics!:guitar: