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  1. B

    Having a Really Hard Time

    Could Someone please help me out? These plants aren't getting better!
  2. B

    Having a Really Hard Time

    Whats up everyone, Having a really hardtime trying to figure out whats going on with these plants! They are in fox farm ocean forrest. pH of plants are 6.5 Flushed them about a week ago and they are gradually getting worse. Should I keep feeding them water for another week than gradually...
  3. B

    Nute Burn?

    :D Always respect what you have to say growdude. Thanks
  4. B

    Nute Burn?

    Any other opinions?:hubba:
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    Nute Burn?

    The plants are in fox farms ocean mix with a PH of 6.4. I gave them a teaspoon of 3-0-3 per gallon the the day after the flush because i thought it was a nitrogen problem. Could it be a fungus? I really think it is over fert, but I give them a teaspoon of 0-13-14 and a teaspoon of 3-0-3 every...
  6. B

    Nute Burn?

    Having a really hard time figuring whats wrong with a couple of these plants. I am pretty sure it is nute burn, but some expert suggestions would be greatly appreaciated! Thanks BW
  7. B

    Cant Figure this out!

    Thanks for the reply. Just gave them a nice little drink with 3-0-3. Ill include 2ml per liter of water for the next feedings and see how things go. Any other opinions/suggestions?
  8. B

    Cant Figure this out!

    So, half of my plants keep showing these signs of yellowing, spots, def. and nute burn! One plant's fan leaves are pretty much all gone, and the rest have some medium yellowing. Here are the pics, help is needed! P.S. The ph is 6.5 and the last time i watered was 4 days ago with half a...
  9. B

    Easy Soil?

    Whats up guys, So on my outdoor grow Im thinking about just buying a bag of fox farms ocean forrest (1.5 cubic feet) and dumping it in the 3 foot hole i dig. If I put fish emulsion 5-1-1 every other watering do you think this will be enough for my outdoor grow (vegetatively)? Should I throw some...
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    Outdoor Clone Time

    Thanks Hick, you've been a huge help buddy.
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    Outdoor Clone Time

    The hours of sunlight are under 12 until March 20th. Then the highest is 14 in July...What do I do?
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    Outdoor Clone Time

    I think im going to build a greenhouse. When would be the earliest I could put them in the greenhouse going from a 18 hour light cycle, or should I do a 16 hour?
  13. B

    Outdoor Clone Time

    For outdoor soil, if i just bought a bag of foxfarms (1.5 cubic feet) mixed in some bat guano and threw it in a 3 foot hole, would that be good enough for veg if I threw some 5-1-1 fish fertilizer on it every other watering?
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    Outdoor Clone Time

    I forgot to ask..If a buddy of mine could keep these things in 1/2 gallon grow bags, how long would you keep the plants in there before they needed to be transplanted? What about 1 gallon grow bags?
  15. B

    Outdoor Clone Time

    So the last frost in my area is Feb. 15, and that is the day the moon looking mighty fine. I am worried about sunlight though, If i planted in feb. would the cloudyness/sunlight hours still make my plant grow to its potential? Temps might be an issue too.
  16. B

    Outdoor Clone Time

    Whats up everyone, I have a slight problem. I have 12 clones that just rooted and I have absolutely no room in my house for these plants. I only have one spot in my house for growing, and plants are flowering there until the last part of March. These clones were meant to go outdoors, so what is...
  17. B

    What is this? Pics

    I think your right. Some plants seem heavier than others and i just give them a little less water. I will wait until all plants are dry for watering, and i am afraid i am over nuting. I will flush next watering then give nutes at 1/4 or 1/2 strength. Sound good?
  18. B

    What is this? Pics

    Thanks for the responses guys. I am using b'cuzz nutrients and they are called Soil A (3-0-3) and Soil B (0-2-4). They are called the "soil nutritions" and are meant to be used with each other and are part of the schedule.. I use (pk) 13-14 and then the bloom stimulant which is 0-0-0.7. Should...
  19. B

    What is this? Pics

    Yea I was just going by what it said on the bottle. Maybe i should do half a teaspoon instead?
  20. B

    What is this? Pics

    Yea, I don't have a ppm meter. Some of the plants are yellowing almost like a nitrogen def, with slow growth with these spots. The ph of the soil is 6.6 and i've been giving the plants per gallon (every watering) 1 Teaspoon of: 0-2-4 3-0-3 0-13-14 0-0-0.7 These are all B'cuzz...