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  1. B

    Cant Figure this out!

  2. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    Wow, you're right...I guess never trust the hydro store guy. Never going to that place again haha. So, I am new to organics. What do I need to do to get the pH up? Can I use pH up? Or do I need to use another organic product? Thanks for all your help guys, I really appreciate it!
  3. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    It's black gold. Can I sprinkle some lime on the to layer and have it get watered in? Or is this something I have to do pre planting into container?
  4. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    If I bump up the feed the pH will sky rocket down to a pretty low pH. If I doubled the feed, and got it to 800ppm it would be around 5.5 pH i'm assuming.
  5. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    It isn't organic, 100% sure. So, do I need to buy pH up and up my rates. PPM of feeding was a little over 400 and pH was 6.3
  6. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    So it's looking like I need to buy some pH up and up my rates?
  7. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    Just fed 3/4 tsp of the transition...pH was 6.3 and ppm was 414 (tap water had 114ppm prior to nutrients) Do I need more ppm?
  8. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    pretty sure the seablast line isn't organic, so I doubt there are microbs. So, it sounds like my hard water isn't the problem? Sounds like I am under feeding, these plants are big.
  9. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    They are in 5 gallon buckets with black gold as soil. Vegged for 6 weeks. The plants are always so lush and green during veg under flourscents, but once they go under the hps things seem to change. I used grow during veg (17-8-17) at 1/2 tsp every watering. Once a week I water with a gallon of...
  10. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    By the way, the plant directly under the light is showing the worse symptoms, this points at deficiency right? The plant furthest from the light shows the least amount of symptoms.
  11. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    I'm using Earth Juice Seablast line. I've never tested PPMs with nutrients added yet, I've just been following the strong recommendation with the pH being at 6.5 at time of feeding. It drops the pH from around 7.6 to 6.5. What do you mean by letting my pH drift?
  12. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    Do you guys usually give a little shot of nitrogen around mid flowering? I might throw in 1/2 tsp of my grow in the next watering
  13. B

    Hard Water to blame?

    Hi All, I have hard water (just tested 115 PPM out of tap.) It seems like I run into the same problem at 3 weeks into flowering. My plants start to yellow and turn crazy colors. Daytime and night time temps are in the high 60's and low 70's. pH is 6.5, seems like everything is good...
  14. B

    Yellow Spot Funk

    Starting flowering beginning of October. I've always been a wimp with the ferts due to me feeding with every watering and being nervous about burn. Appears like I need to up the juice a little, especially since they are starting to stretch!:icon_smile:
  15. B

    Yellow Spot Funk

    Hi All, Starting to notice yellowing and brown spots on my lower growth. I'm thinking a potassium def? Stems are pretty reddish/purple, which seems like a nitrogen def too? What do you guys think? Info: Soil pH is 6.7 using black gold soil and earth juice seablast nutes. Watering once a...
  16. B

    Vacation Cure?

    Hi All :) I would like to start off by saying how much this website has helped me :icon_smile: I have a recent outdoor harvest that just hit the jar stage. Have been burping every day for 30 mins. Here is my dilemma: In a week I will be going on vacation for 14 days. I was going to...
  17. B

    Air Cooled Hood

    Hi Everyone, Have been doing some research on air cooled hoods and exhaust, and thought I would ask my friends here :) I have a 600 watt hps and want to buy an air cooled hood. Is it possible to exhaust the room through the hood? Hood--->Exhaust Fan----> Outside (Have a 6 inch 400cfm...
  18. B

    well water

    I think I am going to go every other watering for now unless I start to see a def. Do you guys suggest a good pH down for the water? I am going to try and pH it down from 7.6 to 6.5 and alternate every watering. I am using Earth Juice Seablast nutrients...
  19. B

    well water

    hXXp:// Here is the link to the soil I am using. Do you guys feed with every watering outdoors? If I were to test the water for PPM, what range should I be in to be safe? Do you guys think I need to use pH down to bring the mixture down, or just feed lightly with...
  20. B

    well water

    Hi all, Have grown indoor for a few years now and have decided to venture outdoors. Will be growing in 15 gallon smart pots, black gold soil, earth juice sea blast nutes. My main concern is the well water I will be using for a water source. It has a PH of 7.6 right out the tap. When I mix...