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  1. Ganj

    Is a hippopotamus a hippopotamus, or just a really cool Opotamus?

    I'm at a hotel room and my friend comes over and he says, "Can I use the phone?" I said, "Certainly." He said, "Do I need to dial nine?" "Yeah, especially if it's in the number. You can try hitting four and five back to back real quick." I'm staying at a hotel and it doesn't have a 13th floor...
  2. Ganj

    Is a hippopotamus a hippopotamus, or just a really cool Opotamus?

    I got an ant farm. Them fellas didn't grow ****. I said, "You fuckers don't farm! C'mon, what about some celery? I like carrots. Plus if I tore your legs off, you would look like tiny snowmen." I bought myself a parrot. The parrot talked. But it did not say, "I'm hungry." So it died. Koala...
  3. Ganj


    I was readin about it on Wikipedia, and it says something about it being meditation type high, where you just should sit in your room alone listening to music or in complete silence. Some **** like that.
  4. Ganj

    Weird effects of MJ - Does anyone get this?

    Sure he will.
  5. Ganj

    Marijuana & sexual side effects?

    Poor fella :(
  6. Ganj

    brain cells

    It numbs brain cells. The reason people seem "burnt out" relates to the fact that they never give their cells time to regenerate, and are always letting mary go to the brain.
  7. Ganj

    how long does it last?

    Be a man and just smoke the whole thing within a couple days
  8. Ganj

    Farewell To All My Friends/Supporters

    Naturalhi, are you really 50 some years old? Holy ****.
  9. Ganj

    Dear Law Enforcement Official...

    The pills I'm on for my anger problems - Still allow me to get pissed off, not as easily but it still happens and the results, while not as harsh, aren't anything pretty. Marijuana as it conflicts with my anger problems - Rarely get pissed off, and if I do, I don't dwell on it. I go to another...
  10. Ganj

    Dear Law Enforcement Official...

    The pills I'm on for my anger problems - Still allow me to get pissed off, not as easily but it still happens and the results, while not as harsh, aren't anything pretty. Marijuana as it conflicts with my anger problems - Rarely get pissed off, and if I do, I don't dwell on it. I go to another...
  11. Ganj

    Farewell To All My Friends/Supporters

    Jumping to conclusions sucks.
  12. Ganj

    May Have Made Big Mistake

    Haha the free bud woulda been fine but I don't know what I woulda done about the coke and the gun. I would probably try and sell the coke to someone I really knew for whatever price they wanted to give me, since I don't know **** about it (tried it twice, never will again...) and the gun? Well...
  13. Ganj

    virgin smoker

    Thanks Myst, now I have an idea of what goes on in other parts of the country! Does anyone else go by 30s, 60s, regular and whatever? Or is my town the only place that does this ****?
  14. Ganj

    Farewell To All My Friends/Supporters

    I've been here a few days and never really saw an attitude out of him, he seemed like a nice guy. But then again, I didn't read all of his posts. What I did see, I enjoyed though. God speed G-squared!
  15. Ganj

    High MUSIC

    What do you think are some of the greatest songs to listen to while stoned? I know I love chilling and listening to a KMK, DMB, Floyd, Cure, or Bone Thugs CD, and alongside I have made CDs devoted to songs that ******* rule when you're stoned. Among those: Dylan - Rainy Day Woman Some Marley...
  16. Ganj

    What to do when high?

    I usually chill and listen to crazy music. I have CDs strictly made to only listen to while high. In fact, I might even make a thread about that.
  17. Ganj

    Dark Side.. Over The Rainbow!

    Not sure if there's already been a thread about this but.. Last night, for the first time, after putting it off for years, I finally got all baked and watched Wizard of Oz with Dark Side of the Moon. It's.. pretty ****** up, I'll say that much. Anyone else see it? I pretty much just stared at...
  18. Ganj

    Farewell To All My Friends/Supporters

    I heard you're not allowed to talk about marijuana on these forums anymore.
  19. Ganj

    Marijuana & sexual side effects?

    I think sexual activity while high feels rinky dinky doo amazing.
  20. Ganj

    Calling in sick tomorrow... and I'm not sick.

    It's fine dude, people need personal days. Especially if you're enjoying the world.