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  1. bmello

    what does it feel like?

    As it should be... :cool:
  2. bmello

    what does it feel like?

    I believe the reverend had a very nice little sermon, he pretty much said it all!! Good luck on Friday and may you enjoy! :cool:
  3. bmello

    sooo faded

    gettin the munchies
  4. bmello

    One Toke Over That Little Line That Keeps Marijuana Illegal.

    Unfortunately that has been how it always was since we all landed on this magnificent land...the essays from the first groups of puritans coming over on ships are good reads...hard to understand but they (the rich) only wanted to be landowners because we all know that land is power, and made it...
  5. bmello

    Alcohol, Not Cannabis Use, Associated With Increased Injury Risk

    I do have my theories but some people tend to see me as someone with an over acting imagination!:D
  6. bmello

    sooo faded

    and eyes watering...
  7. bmello

    high at work

    Very interesting, because you are is invasive to people's privacy if the company has any knowledge of any prescriptions their employees are on. Also, any company can implement a random drug policy for no reason, but there are rules for them to follow, like put everyone on an even...
  8. bmello

    sooo faded

    and hold it
  9. bmello

    Its over!!!!

    Question; Is T.Y.C. youth detention? If it is you are going to be under strict rules and you will need to stop all "extra-curricular" activities until you are off. I know I worked with you "little ones" before and worked my ass of to make you guys understand the rules to getting the justice...
  10. bmello

    what does it feel like?

    It has been a few days and we haven't heard anything, I sure hope it all went well...:cool:
  11. bmello

    newbie to lingo

    Interesting!! Thanks for the info...:cool:
  12. bmello

    Time For A Rant.

    We have alot of work ahead of us. We need money and power and lobbyists to fight in congress, stop the religiuos fanatics!! Dam puritans!!!:cool:
  13. bmello

    newbie to lingo

    Considering I am a catholic (by birth) I loved the baptize term!!! Also, answering the green phone, too funny!!!! Thanks for the link!
  14. bmello

    Cran Berry Pills? for cleanin system

    I believe that cranberry and other dark juices have a chemical in them that will help clean out the system. BUT, the clincher is this: all systems are different, everyone smokes different amounts at once and in time, meaning length. Also, is the THC content being considered. What about the...
  15. bmello

    newbie to lingo

    Thanks man...know I have a stupid question again...why do people smoke weed with tobacco? What does the blunt taste like rolled in cigar paper?:cool:
  16. bmello

    Alcohol, Not Cannabis Use, Associated With Increased Injury Risk

    Isn't that an interesting study. Did anyone catch Penn and teller's show on Showtime regarding the use of marijuana. It was an interesting piece, I myself only saw the end of it but what I did see, along with this article and other studies done on the effects of marijuana, makes me wonder why...
  17. bmello

    newbie to lingo

    Hi, I think you are all nice people so I will take this chance. I have been a smoker for over 30 years, but had stopped for some years in between due to drug testing and such...:( Back in my day, the words were simple, pipe, bong (I was in the first generation of bongs!!!), doobie, etc...
  18. bmello

    dumb newb question but what is the black stuff left in pipes? can i smoke it?

    True, true, everytime I see a post from him, I feel the same, but for me it is gandolf from Lord of the Rings!!!:cool:
  19. bmello

    What is your scariest almost bust story?

    Years ago I use to work for a highly secret national lab and worked as a police dispatcher for them. I had forgotten I had a bag in my pocket working down in the basement (usually where all communication stations are) and a cop with a drug dog came down to visit. I like dogs and was always...
  20. bmello

    Awash in a sea of bud and no one to smoke it with!

    I would like to say that the garden you have is something to admire, good job!!! I only wish I can someday have my own oasis, but right now I got to work on my dog not destroying before I get anything done!!! Love my baby though (dog)! A subject of movies, I must daughter worked...