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  1. C

    im growing now but more vital ??'s

    whats up everybody? i've been growing my first plants for about a month now, im using a growbox i made from 2- 40gallon rubbermaid tubs. i am using a bathroom light bar with 3 cfl's (1750 lumens a piece) is this enough? im currently growing 4 plants. that leads to my next problem... tempature...
  2. C

    light question

    my seed sprouted 2 days ago, should i have the lights on 24 hours?
  3. C

    now that my growbox is complete

    i was just wondering how far should your seeds be apart? i've one of those 3ft rectangular shaped pots. also, what is the most effective method of getting seeds to sprout? thanks!
  4. C

    more growbox questions

    whats up everybody, im setting up a growbox in a rubbermaid tub. so far i've painted the inside flat white, and set up the vent system. i've just got a few more Q's before i go any further. the more simple the better, im going to home depot tomorrow 1 what type of light should i use for a...
  5. C

    i need help building growbox

    whats up everybody? i need help building a growbox, im a first time grower so im pretty clueless about what to do. i saw differents types of grow boxes on here, what type of box is easiest to build and maintain for a beginner? could someone tell me everything i need to buy to build this? and...