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  1. F

    Plants in Window...

    Oops I think my edit didn't go right ... I've since writing this, tossed 3 plants...2 being very close to being ready (males) and females id'd too already!
  2. F

    Oh hai.

    That healthy one above appears to be male...already. I didn't think one could detect so early?
  3. F

    Plants in Window...

    I seem to have one plant that is very male here and I only just planted these from seed in the end of April? Is this a normal thing? I've never grown from seed before and this will be my first male that I've seen too. (awwww hehe)
  4. F

    Oh hai.

    I put a bunch of plants outside in various locations early...I will put most others out this coming weekend. Got some purple leaves and stems from them being cold (it's really the only explanation)
  5. F

    Oh hai.

    I have some pics to share today... (Hope it's alright to post a bunch at once?) Babies I was so proud to see the first 7 point leaves! :D Here is the healthiest one today...I am not certain why she(?) is the ONLY one but ... (also the same plant as first 7 leaves)
  6. F

    Greenhouses and "The LAW"

    I have a very large green house, industrial sized in fact and it is fully equipped and everything (on it's own 220, it's own irrigation etc). Now, I wouldn't even consider growing in there except that I wonder if I do put just a couple in, is it possible the police can go in and look wiffowt a...
  7. F

    Oh hai.

    Thanks for the welcome everyone, ya, this is the first and only canna forum I actually joined, so it must be speshul!? Well, if it wasn't before, it is now? hehe 90 plants from unknown, I imagine a few will be boyz. I live on 2 acres backing to no-man's land so, many will be...
  8. F

    Oh hai.

    This will be my first grow as a single girl (all by myself from seed!) I'm excited, learned a lot over the years and still SO much more to learn (which is one other reason I love these plants). I currently have 90 healthy plants (little plants) and have never grown from seed. Back in March, I...
  9. F

    Oh hai.

    Found you all by this thread: And figgered it looks like a nice place to put up my feets. Nice to meet you! *wanders off... forgetting to finish*